Chapter One

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Have you ever thought that your life sucks, ever complained about not being able to go out on the weekend, or not having enough money to go see your favourite band in concert. Moaned when your skin starts to breakout, you run out of mascara, getting a detention, a small argument between your friends, or a row with your mom.

I was one of those people; I think every girl is really. But life is too short to worry about the simple things. Next year, will it matter, will you even remember.

I lost everything. That sounds dramatic right, after moaning about how people moan, all I do is moan about my own life. But in all honesty, I did. My best friend, my family, my popularity, my body and pretty much everything else went down the drain with them.

Chapter One.

For most people, going back to school after the holidays is horrible, but everyone is looking forward to seeing their friends again. But for me, I didn’t even want to see my best friend, because I knew we wouldn’t be best friends for much longer, after she found out the truth of why I’d been ignoring her calls all summer.

I was also not looking forward to the looks, the whispers, and getting kicked off the cheerleading squad which was obviously going to happen, I mean face it, our coach wasn’t the nicest and she definitely  wasn’t going to be supportive, when she found out I was pregnant.

Then there was the questions that people were bound to ask, the whispers and the sarky comments that all the bitchy girls would make. Then I had to tell my boyfriend, explain to him how sorry I was. He would never forgive me, and I knew it, I didn’t want him to forgive me. I wanted him to hate me; it would make it easier for me. If he was kind and supportive, I would feel so much guilt, I would rather see him hate me then stand with him, watching the pain in his eyes, as he tried to live on as nothing had ever happened.

 But, whatever happens tomorrow, I have to keep being strong, I can’t moan when everyone stares, when everyone whispers. Because I brought this on myself. It was my choices and my mistakes that brought me to this life, and even though I don’t want to be sitting here, in this state, with my mascara running down my eyes, I will just have to deal with it.

I have hurt so many people; some don’t even know it yet. But they will, and they will hate me, just like the others. I put on a brave face, but really, inside, I’m hurting, screaming, crying. I just wish I could go back and do things differently, but I can’t, and I won’t, so for now, I’ve just got to live with it.

A/N: Sorry this chapter is short but I wrote this story ages ago. I'llpost Chapter 2 afterwards.

I Slept with my Bestfriend's Boyfriend and now I pregnant.Where stories live. Discover now