Chapter Two

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Chapter Two.

My alarm woke me up at 6:00am, ready for the first day back at school. I groaned. Sitting up in bed, I put my head in my hands.

"No" I told myself. I can't cry yet, I'll save that for later. I got up from my sky blue sheets, and brushed my long brown hair. I didn't see the point in tying it up in a high pony, which had always been the start of my morning routine. It's not like my cheerleading uniform was going to fit, not now.

I searched my wardrobe for something remotely flattering on me. There was no point trying to find something to make me look thinner, people would still look. I stood in front of my mirror. Even in my maternity clothes my baby bump was noticeable. I can't believe I made the stupid mistake in letting someone get me pregnant, especially my best friend's boyfriend.

My mom hadn't bothered to say goodbye to me before I left. I'd broken her heart, ruined any chance I ever had in life, as she had told me. I sighed, thinking of the day I'd told her. I'd texted her dreaded sentence. 'My period is late, I think I'm pregnant'. She didn't respond to it, thinking I was joking, if only she had been right.

I started the 5 minute walk from my house to the bus stop. These 5 minutes were that last 5 minutes I had before I had to deal with the looks, the whispers, the questions. I shivered. Then my friend Dan ran over to me. Well forget those 5 minutes.

"Wow..." he looked shocked, well I didn't blame him. I wasn't this girl, well, people didn't think that. I was a good student, getting good grades, I wasn't slutty and had been going out with my boyfriend, Matt, for a year and a half. People thought I was a good girl, so did I, but.... Well, I don't even know what I am now.

"Yeah I know..." I didn't really know what to say. Dan and I had never been close. He was in the grade bellow me, and although we were sort of friends, I only really talked to him at the bus stop and occasionally at school.

"When's Ermm... when's it due?" he asked awkwardly

"December 14th" I forced a smile.

I knew he wanted to get away, he didn't want to be standing here, talking to me, but he couldn't think of a reason to leave.

We just walked, in awkward silence, until we got to the bus stop. Waiting for the bus to come was complete tourcher. The older girls at the bus stop were whispering, staring. I'd expected this but it was still difficult to deal with. The seconds passed by so slowly, and the 10 minute wait for the bus seemed like it lasted for hours. The bus finally pulled over at our stop. People pushed passed me and when I got on the bus there were only a few seats left.

I took a seat on my own and put in my headphones. I have to block everyone else. Just look out the window, pretend you are alone. I sighed the music soothed me, relaxed me. When I was listening to music, it was like all my troubles had gone, and I could just listen. Of course this was only true until some idiot pulled out my headphones. I turned round to see Harry, one of my closest friends. He knew, and he hadn't judged me, he was actually quite supportive.

"How you feeling?" He asked me, kindly.

"I could be better" I sighed "But for the most part, I'm alright" I forced a smile

"You don't have to pretend with me y'know. I've know you too long to fall for that one" he put his arm around me "Let it out"

I smiled, Harry understood, he knew that what I needed right now was acceptance and support, and love. Was that so much to ask for, after all I had been through. Guaranteed I had brought it on myself, but people make mistakes right. Just because my mistake was bigger than other peoples, did that mean people had the right to stare and make assumptions?

I Slept with my Bestfriend's Boyfriend and now I pregnant.Where stories live. Discover now