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I don't hate hypocrites but I hate the fact that people don't think they're hypocrites. I didn't think I was a hypocrite until my brother brought it to my attention.

My brother called me a hypocrite because everyone was always waiting on me, yet there are times when I'm ready and I'm waiting on everyone else. The irony of the situation is that I am what I hate; I hate being late but everyone is always waiting on me. Earlier yesterday, I realized that everyone is a hypocrite at some point in his or her life. Most people would disagree with that statement but it's true; we're all hypocrites, most of us are and we don't even realize it. Calling someone a hypocrite isn't the slightest bit offensive; at least it shouldn't be, because EVERYONE IS A HYPOCRITE.

Even if you don't think you're a hypocrite, you're a hypocrite, you just don't realize it and that's why you get so offended when someone calls you one. You might argue with that person that you're not a hypocrite and later realize that that person was right, you are a hypocrite.

Which leads me to something else, nobody likes to admit that they're wrong, and that's why friendships don't last, the same goes for relationships. When you're fighting, neither one wants to admit that they're wrong, sometimes they don't even realize that they're wrong until later on. Once you realize that you're wrong, you don't admit it to the other person, because you know they're going to rub it in your face and you hate that. It can ruin friendships and relationships because you always want them to admit they're wrong and the other person wants the same thing, but when neither of you are willing to step up and admit you were wrong, even if you were right, there's going to be tension between you and you're going to fight a lot more. Too many people are worried about who's right than they are about their friendship or relationship; they get caught up in themselves and the drama.

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