Snitches & Nosy People

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Okay so there's this girl that started yelling at me after 7th hour yesterday about some dumb sh!t and she wouldn't leave me the hell alone even though I told her several times to leave me alone, I had to deal with her for all of a few minutes. It could have been worse though.

Anyway, no one likes her cause all she does is snitch on people. She needs to get a life and stay the hell outta mine! She needs to worry about her own business, she's not God, not my parents, and definitely not the boss of me! She has this disgusting passion in being a snitch!

I hate snitches and I hate nosy people!

I hate talking about my life and/or problems in public because there are always nosy-ass f$&king dip-sh!ts who always have to look at what you're doing or listen to your conversations! Thanks to those nosy people, I can't do anything but think about my life and problems in public, because of their stupid, disgusting, prying, judgmental eyes and words. F$&k off and keep your eyes and ears out of my business! It's not for you so go away! And stop staring, it's rude!

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