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NOTE: Here we gooooo. The first bit is finally here. Hope this is alright but it's basically an introduction and it explains what's happened since there's a four year gap from now and where Love Sucks ended, and then there's Evelyn's old friends. (also I started writing this months ago so bare with. it's been a long few months)


On my 22nd birthday, I blew out my candles that were placed neatly in the center of my cake, and wished for the same thing that I had done every year since the blip;


In my mind, there were so many things that I could wish for, so many questions to be asked and many answers to follow, but I didn't really want any of them.

On my 22nd birthday, the orange lights that flicked above the wax candles weren't the only things to vanish in one single breathe, but my imprisonment was too. When a vampire turns 22, their parents aren't in charge of them anymore, they're in charge of themselves. And after four years - after the blip - of being trapped by them, I was finally free.

The blip was a word given by people to 'the time when future heiress, Evelyn was among the humans' or 'the time when the Dracula's daughter went crazy' or 'when she was sent away'. I know this because you hear people talking about it in the streets, whispering, and you can read social media comments asking me questions about how insane I went or what I did there or if the humans are really evil.

A lot has changed in four years. My little sister, Lily-Grace is now five. And as she grew up, she learnt to use her mouth and speak words, and now it happens far too often. She loves talking. She uses any opportunity to ask questions or tell us about anything as long as she can use her skills.

My Mother has been keeping well, the make-up under her eyes manages to hide the bags and obvious signs of growing weak on her face from years of exhaustion after the tragedy. It hides her frown marks too, from all of the times that she has sat by my father's bed as he lies there, remaining ill, and her knowing full well that she can't do anything about it.

My father has been sick for months now. People talk among the kingdom of what's really going on beyond our castle walls. No one knows why it happened or how to cure it but all they do know is that it was never good news. They don't need to tell us, it's like a silent agreement, but we know well that he's running out of time.

And that means that I am too. 


On Friday the 17th of September, I sat alone in my loft and read more books. My loft was the room right at the top of the castle where, before I moved in, the cobwebs and dust used to live. Now, I live here.

Of course, I have my own bedroom. Not that it feels like one, it's more like an entire house. But still, my dad had painted it black and white and got an interior designer to make it look nice for me. It had a large window in the center of the main wall and white curtains draped across it. It wasn't right though; there wasn't a proper window sill.

Up in the loft, the window sill was big enough to fit me and two other people if we squashed together. It was nice there. The walls were blue and it had a red chest and a spinny chair and beanbags. There was even a television that I'd begged my mother to let me put there, using the classic excuse of 'you took me away from my friends, my life, and you won't even let me have a tv'. It always worked until I stopped using it because it genuinely upset me.

I still couldn't believe it had been four years. Four years since I met them, four years since I was among the humans, four years since I fell in love and four years since I really found myself.

Love Bites || Vampire Ashton Irwin AU [Sequel to Love Sucks]Where stories live. Discover now