Jaehee x MC

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Jaehee opened the door to see MC's smiling face. "Hello, Jaehee!"

Jaehee's smiled turned into a fade. "MC, Zen...he's on his way, actually..."

"Oh..." MC's smile shattered.

Jaehee frowned. "We can't keep doing this..."

MC sighed. "Do you still have feelings for him, Jaehee?"

"Yes." Jaehee looks down. "But I have feelings for you as well. I can't be in two relationships!"

"I want to be in a relationship with you." MC frowns. "But I can't force you if it won't make you happy."

"But I'm not happy with Zen, either." Jaehee weeped. "I love him, but I love you as well."

"Who would you pick right now in this very moment?" MC wipes Jaehee's tears. "You have to be honest."

Jaehee looks into MC's eyes. "...you."

MC smiles. "We can be together then!"

Jaehee smiled but then frowned. "But Zen's heart will be broken... I could never forgive myself. And if Mr. Han finds out I end a relationship and immediately start another, I won't hear the end of him comparing me to his father.."

"Don't worry about Jumin." MC says. "If he has a problem, tell him to talk with me. As for Zen, as long as you two can stay friends, it'll be okay."

Jaehee looks up. "I trust you, MC. Everything you've ever said was true. I believe that what you say will happen."

MC smiles. "Let's give your breakup with Zen a few weeks before dating me. Even if I can deal with Jumin, I don't want him bothering you anymore than he is already with work."

Jaehee pulls MC into a hug before warmly pressing her lips against hers. "You're so perfect."

"Um..." A voice calls.

The two lovers turn around to see Zen in absolute shock.

"I always knew you two had a strong connection. Jaehee, if MC makes you happy, be with her. I don't want you to be unhappy with me. Just one condition from me...you and I have to be best friends." He winks.

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