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We walked into the Pandimonium Club, a club that Downworlders frequented. It was also a club that a ton of mundanes went to. "Ugh! It smells awful! I hate the smell of mundanes." Isabelle complains softly. About a minute later, the Eidolin demon we had been hunting got sight of Isabelle.

"That's right. Take the bait." Jace says softly. I stood beside him watching as it followed my sister across the floor. Jace started shadowing them, and I fell in step beside him. As we approached the door, I heard it ask "What's your name?"


"That's a nice name." It says as me and Jace quietly slip through the door. "I don't remember seeing here before."

"Your asking me if I come here often?" Isabelle giggling and raises her hand to her mouth. The sleeves of her white dress slip down to show the runes inked there.

"Wrong move, sis." I think as it says "You..." He didn't get to finish though as Isabelle smackes him in the chest. If he was human he would have went down but, since he wasn't he only staggered. That was enough for Isabelle though. As quick as a snake, she uncoils her whip fron around her wrist and flicks it, knocking the demon in his back.

"He's all yours boys." Isabelle says with a smirk. I heard Jace laugh quietly beside me. We pick the demon up and tie him to the collum with some wire Jace found.

"Are there any others of your kind?" Jace asks.

"I don't know what you mean." It says.

"You know what I am." He lifts one hand up so his sleeve slipped down to show the runes there.

"Shadowhunter." It hissed as each set of his teeth ground together.

"You still didn't answer my question."

I could the weels turning it's head. "I don't know what your talking about." It insisted.

"Demons. You do know what a demon is don't you?" I say, deciding to say something Jace would say.

I saw Jace smirk at me. "Demons." He drawls out as e draws the word on the air. "Commonly known as hells denizens, but in this case, for the purpose of the Clave, as any form that's not of this dimension..."

"Enough, Jace." Isabelle tells him.

"Isabelle's right. No one here needs a lesson on sematics..or demonology." I say to try to prevent my parabati from saying something that would provoke my sister. They really didn't need to fight right now.

Jace turns from me to it saying "Isabelle and Alec think I talk too much. Do you think I talk too much?" I laugh inwardly. "That's Jace for you."

"I can tell you where Valentine is." I hear and look over at Jace as he looks back at me.

"Yeah so can we. He's in the ground."

Jace says.

Isabelle flips her hair over her shoulder and says "Just kill it Jace. It can't tell us anything."

"No. Valentine's alive. The whole infernal world knows it. I know it."

"By the angel! Every time we capture one of you bastards you all say you where Valentine is. Well so do we. He's in hell and you..." He raises his arm and his dagger glitters in the dim light of the storage room. "You can join him there."

"Stop." I hear a girls voice yell. We spin around and I hear Jaces knife clatter to the ground in his surprise.

Surprisingly, I thought of something to say first. "What's this?".

"It's a girl, Alec. Surely you've seen a girl before. Your sister is one." I looked over at Jace in a little bit of annoyance. He bends down to pick up his knife. "You'd better get out of. If you know what's good for you."

"Why does he care?" I think as the girl says "I can't do that. You'll kill him." She points to the blue-haired boy.

Jace starts twirling his knife around on his knuckles. "Yeah. Thats true, but why would you care?"

"Be..becuase you can't just go around killing people." She stutters.

"You can't kill people. That..." He pauses momentarily to point at the boy. "Is not a person. It may look like a person. It may even bleed like a person. But it's not. It is a monster."

"Your crazy. I've called the police. They're coming."

I look at Jace. "Jace you don't think..." I start, but before I could finish my question,the blue haired boy flings himself at Jace with a screach. His fingertips glittering like metal in the sinshine. I didn't know what to do. So I stand there panicing. I see the blue-haired boy slash at Jaces face. He moves his arm in front of his face at the last moment. I hear him  cry out in pain. Isabelle suddenly flicks her whip and brings it down across the boys back. He cries out in pain and rolls over. As quick as a whip, Jace rolls over, pluging his dagger in the boys chest. Black fluid erupts around the hilt; soaking Jaces black shirt.

"Fine. The forsaken will take you all!" The demon says then folds in on itself until its gone; disappeared back into its own dimension.

Jace stands up and off wipes the hilt of his dagger. I step up to him and gently take his arm to see how much damage the demon did. It was pretty bad. "You stupid girl! You could've gotten Jace killed!" I hear Isabelle hiss. I look over Jaces shoulder. She had her whip coiled around the mundie girls' wrist. The girl pulls her wrist away trying to get away.

"He's crazy. You're all crazy. What do you think you are? Vigilante killers? The police..." She says.

Jace walks away from me, and I follow, irritated.

"The police usually aren't interested unless you can produce a body." I see the girl look at where the blue-haired boy was. "They return to their home dimensions when they die. Just in case you were wondering." Jace says. "Why does he care so much?" I think.

"What should we do with her?" Isabelle asks.

"Let her go." Jace says quietly. By the look on the redheads face, Jaces quiet voice was worse than my irritaton and Izzys anger. Not too suprisingly, Isabelle listened and uncioled the whip from around the mundies wrist.

"We should take her to the Institute. Hodge will will want to talk to her." I suggest.

"No way are we taking here to the Institute! She's a mundie."

"Or is she?" Jace says. "Have you had dealings with demons little girl? Walked with warlocks? Talked with the Night Children? Have you...?"

"My name isn't little girl. And I don't believe demons or whatever..."

"Clary?" A guy comes up and stands in the doorframe. He was diffintly a mundie He was wearing a Made In Brooklynn shirt. "Where did those guys go? You know the ones with the  knives?" He asks. She turns to us amd I see Jace give her a half-aplogetic, half-mocking shrug. She turns back around and says "I thought they went in here, but I guess they didn't. I'm sorry." Then she walks out, closing the storage room door behind her. We stand there looking at each other. After a minute, Jace says "Well, that was new."

City of Bones-Alecs povWhere stories live. Discover now