Chapter two: do my homework

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When it was lunch Mikasa went to her locker and got her drawing book and a pencil.
"Hey, Mikasa! It's math after lunch so can you please help me??"
"Uhm, okay?"
"Gee thanks!" Fred said and ran away again.
Mikasa started walking to the cafeteria, she looked through her drawings to get to a plain page so she could start something new. Mikasa started drawing a girl, how she imagined the perfect girl for her. Someone that would care for her, make her smile, and hang out with her and do homework together and not that she herself would do someone else's homework. She started drawing a girl with side bangs and a ponytail. She imagined the girl with brown hair and shining brown eyes. She drew the girl with a soft smile and a friendly look in her eyes. Mikasa got to the cafeteria and got her food. She put on her headphones to lower the volume of the chattering in the rest of the cafeteria. The black haired girl put on car radio by twenty one pilots and ate together with the music. She felt calm, like the rest of the world wasn't there, just her, her drawing book, her food and the music.
She finished her lunch, so she went to her locker to get her books so she could wait til' the next lesson by the classroom door. 'It's freezing here...' Mikasa thought as she got to her locker. She didn't have anything warm to keep her out of the cold air inside the school halls.
"Okay class, work in your books from page 56 to 59" the teacher said. Mikasa sat in the back again, she didn't need any help with math, she could understand it.
"Hey, Mikasa. Can I sit down beside you? You know so you can help me" Fred said. He had a t-shirt where it said "keep it cool", his dark eyes was looking at Mikasa. He had dark blonde hair.
"Okay, sit down" Fred sat down beside Mikasa.
"Now, what can I help you with?" Mikasa said. "I don't understand, can you do it for me so I can see how to do it?"
"Uh, sure"
It ended up with Mikasa doing all Fred's work. Yeah, Mikasa thought it's nice with math but not doing it for other people.
- the lesson ended -
Mikasa went to her locker, when she felt a presence of someone following her.
"Ackerman" a familiar voice said. When Mikasa turned around she was pinned against the wall.
"Do my homework, or you'll get beat up." Mikasa wasn't that strong, so all she could do was to do Fred's homework if she didn't want a black eye.

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