Chapter twenty one: just girly things

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As the two girls sat down on the couch, the other girls looked at them. Ymir was grinning, Christa was giggling, Mina was whispering to Annie, and Hannah was smiling. Hanji, Nanaba and Petra were grinning too, Hanji was also making thumbs up.
"Did we miss something?" The black haired female asked as she wrapped her arm around the slightly smaller brunette.
"The real question is, did we miss something?" Ymir smirked.
"Nothing happened, guys" Sasha smiled.
"Right, I totally believe that"
"Quiet down, Ymir!" Christa said and shushed her girlfriend.

Mikasa's p.o.v

After the movie, Christa was in tears, Mina, Petra and Hannah too. They hugged each other, tissues was all over the place. Christa was in the middle, then Mina and Hannah on each side with Petra collapsed on Hannah. Hanji was ranting to Nanaba about how illogical the ending was, Sasha was stuffing her mouth with pizza to hold back the tears, I, on the other hand was sitting with Annie and Ymir, we all admired our 'girls'. Ymir was staring at her small girlfriend, Annie was looking at Mina with blush on her cheeks. And I, admired the way Sasha looked like a hamster with pizza in her cheeks, she was making weird crying noises, but she was still beautiful. Her mouth was covered with tomato juice and melted cheese, I was still in shock that those tomato red lips had been on mine.

"Girls! I got an idea~" Christa announced.
"Oooohh what is it?" Mina looked at her with sparkling eyes.
"Let's do prank calls!" She clapped her hands.
"LET'S ORDER MORE PIZZA" Sasha yelled.
"We'll do that too, no worries" Mina giggled.

"Hello this is Walmart"
"Yeah hi so I bought q-tips the other day, and on the package it says there's one hundred, I counted them and there's only ninety nine" Christa was saying in a really bad accent.
"Oh I'm sorry ma'am there must've been a mistake"
"I don't care if it was a mistake, listen, if there's not one hundred q-tips then that's false advertising, I want my money back"
"Well, uhm, ma'am, you can't get your money back if you've opened the package, and I assume you have since you counted the q-tips, I'm sorry"
"Being sorry isn't enough, I'm going to sue you" she said and hung up. We all burst out into laughter, both at the response of the worker and Christa's bad accent.
"That was hilarious!" Sasha was splattered out on the floor laughing. Annie, who usually doesn't smile, was looking at Mina with hearteyes and smiled softly. I smiled at the sight of Sasha laughing so hard, she started coughing.

"Hey idiot" Ymir was going to prank call Connie.
"I have a name, why are you calling?" He answered.
"So uh Sasha kinda passed out because she ate too much"
"What?! Is she okay!?" He yelled into the phone.
"Yeah she is, Mikasa is kind of doing some gay stuff to her, though"
My face flushed when Ymir said that.
"So you called just to tell me Mikasa and Sash are making out?"
"Nah, I wanted to ask for advice, since you always, ALWAYS, disturb me and Christa, I thought I'd ask how to handle the situation"
"Seriously, Ymir?"
"Just tell me what to do"
"Right, to make Sash wake up, you can put on a fan and a plate of warm cookies, the smell will make her wake up instantly"
"For reals? That's hilarious!" She laughed.
"I AM HIGHLY OFFENDED CONNIE, I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS" Sasha yelled and motioned for Ymir to hang up, and so she did.
"Y-Ymir! Why did you say to Connie that I was doing stuff to Sasha?" I pouted.
"Well you two are gay for each other, I can sense it" she grinned.
"How can you sense that?" Mina asked.
"The power of gayness, girls, gayness"


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