Ready For Closure....<3

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PRince: *pacing back & forth*

Roc/Leah: *walks in*

Prince: anything?

Leah: i'm gonna try her cell phone again

Prince: i'm already on it *calls Andi*

Andi: hello?

Prince: *silent*

Andi: *laughs* you really thought you was leaving  message -

Prince: *sighs/hangs up* Voicemail..again

Roc: well its getting late, we should get to bed & wake up early tomorrow to start our search again.

Leah: that sounds like a plan..*looks around* where's Prod?

Prince: in our room, an unwanted visitor has arrived.

Roc: who?

Prince: Bianca.

Roc: *laughs* poor guy.

Leah: poor guy? is she that bad? who is she?

Prince: yes, she's that bad  and she's Andi's cousin

LEah: Andi's cousin..i dont remember Andi mentioning a Bianca.

Prince: yeah, that's because she hates her.

LEah: thats something to put in the all about Andi Book


Bianca: why havent you called!

Prod: i told you it slipped my mind...

Bianca: Really?? did you meet someone?

Prod: No!... i mean..well??

Bianca: Prod? Baby? Dont forget what we have because some college floozy let you look at her cookies for th night!

Prod: *sighs/sits on bed*

Bianca: *smiles/sits on his lap*...i love you

Prod: *looks down*

Bianca: *lifts his chin* you love me right?

Prod: *thinks* um...

Bianca: *folds arms* right?

PRod:..yeah..  i do

Bianca: *smiles* for my gift

Prod: what is it?

Bianca: me! *kisses him*

Prod: *pulls away* not tonight okay?

Bianca: why not?

Prod: i just dont feel up to it

Bianca: your just not feeling up to it? *rolls eyes* whatever!


Jade: *walks into Bar/sits at counter/to waiter* can i get everything your willing to serve.

??: woah...crazy night?

Jade: tell me about it.

Waiter: *hands her a drink*

Jade: *drinks it* keep them coming

??: i have to join you, i hate when a pretty girl drinks alone.

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