Forty One.

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"Hey, Lo."

Lauren smiles as she kicks her shoes off and runs her fingers over Nala's fur. "Hi, Lucy."

Lucy fist bumps her, their usual greeting, and then takes hold of her hand, and Lauren doesn't feel weird about it, because Camila had said it was okay on her birthday. "Do you want to watch The Lion King? I know it's one of your special interests so I thought I should put it on the movie schedule for today. We're watching Star Wars: A New Hope first though, because that movie is one of my favourites."

"Okay then," Lauren nods as Lucy leads her upstairs. "We can watch The Lion King and maybe something else that we both like after."

Lucy smiles and once Lauren is sat down on her bed, cuddles up to her. "Is this okay? Will your Camila be mad if I cuddle you?"

"No, she knows we're soulmates and she doesn't get jealous anymore, because she's my romantic soulmate." Lauren explains, cuddling up to Lucy because it's rare that her friend wants to cuddle, and Lauren loves cuddles. "She understands. She likes you, I think."

Lucy hums in thought. "Vero thinks she's nice. Also, she was really talkative to me on your birthday, at your meal. I'm glad your girlfriend likes me, I don't want her to be jealous of me, because I love Vero, but I love you different."

Lauren nods and strokes her fingers along Nala's fur. "Yeah. Camz used to be jealous of you, but she's not anymore. I think she thought I had a crush on you, and she was jealous because you were my first kiss."

Lucy plays with Lauren's fingers and uses her free hand to press play on the movie. "That's funny."

"I did have a crush on you at one point." Lauren comments. "When- um, I met you at art class. Because you and I are the same and, uh... it made me happy. But then I saw how you were with Vero and backed off."

"You liked me?" Lucy frowns, and then shrugs. "Maybe in a different universe we're dating. That'd be interesting."

Lauren hums. "Maybe in a different universe, because I think those exist. But I'm quite happy with this universe."

"Anyway, how are things? With you and Camila, I mean." Lucy asks. "I know you love her lots. How was Disney?"

"Disney was the best!" Lauren exclaims. "She went on all the big rides with me! And she took me to dinner almost every night, but I took her to dinner one night. And, uh... we made love."

Lucy beams. "Was it okay? I know you were scared about it."

"It was amazing." Lauren says with a smile. "She was so lovely and- um, made me feel really good. Also she cuddled me after and I feel- um, I am glad that I was intimate with her."

"I'm glad you're happy about it." Lucy says. "I remember when Vero and I did that for the first time, she was so supportive and she helped me through it. Did your Camila do that for you?"

"Yes," Lauren nods, "she- um, did it to me first. And it helped because I knew what to do after. I also- um, did the reading you told me to. On those websites you linked me, and it told me how to make Camz feel good, because I wasn't sure if I'd be good at it, but she said that I was."

Lucy smiles. "You two are really cute. I think you should invite Camila over some time. Maybe I'll invite Vero too, but she's really busy lately because she got a part time job so I can't see her on weekends much anymore."

"Didn't that mess with your routine?" Lauren asks with a frown. "You should've told her to only get the job for one day of the weekend, I know you two always hung out on Saturdays."

"It did but I wasn't mad at her, because I love her. It's not as bad now because we're still in summer, but when school starts I won't get to see her lots." Lucy says. "And she really needs to money from the job to save up for a car. And then she's going to quit and we're going to go on a road trip."

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