Fifty Four.

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Lauren rocks on her heels as she waits for the door to open, because she's kind of nervous about this date. She isn't sure how Camila will feel about it, but she hopes it'll go alright; she's been looking forward to it.

When the door swings open and her girlfriend is stood in front of her in the navy blue sweater Lauren had let her borrow a little while ago, she smiles. "Hi. Are you ready to go?"

"Yep," Camila nods, and Lauren notes that she already has her shoes on. "I just need to grab my coat and we can head out. Where exactly is it that we're going, by the way?"

"Um... you can't know yet," Lauren decides to wait until they actually get to their destination before telling Camila about it. "I'm- I'm keeping it a secret. It can be a surprise."

"Alright, well..." Camila pulls on her coat and follows Lauren out of the door, shouting a quick goodbye to her family, "Is it something festive? We are getting quite close to Christmas, after all."

"Um, yes, it's festive," Lauren nods and opens the passenger side door for her girlfriend. "Oh, wait, I forgot to give you these..."

Lauren opens the backseat of the car and holds out a bouquet of roses that she'd bought. She knows it's not Valentine's Day or an important anniversary, but it's nice to get flowers every once in a while.

"Lauren," Camila takes them with a smile, "these are beautiful. Thank you. What are they for?"

Lauren frowns; she thought she'd made it quite clear. "They're for you."

"No, baby," Camila laughs and Lauren doesn't understand what's so funny, "I meant what's the occasion."

"Oh," Lauren's eyes widen in realisation. "Well, there isn't an occasion. Not really. Just taking you out on a date and I wanted to buy you flowers."

"You're the sweetest," Camila leans over and kisses her. "Anyway. Tell me where we're going."

"No!" Lauren exclaims, shaking her head quickly. "No. It's a surprise, you're not finding out until we get there."

"Okay, I get it," Camila holds her hands up in defence, "I won't ask again. But it's been a while since you've taken me out. It's... really nice."

"Well, I love going on dates with you." Lauren says with a smile. "And I love Christmas, so I figured... we should do something festive. And- and it kind of sucks to live in Miami in winter, because it's never really that cold and snow would never happen unless some kind of freak weather incident happened... so it's not like we can go out and have snowball fights and stuff. I really wish we could."

"When we're older, we'll move somewhere snowy," Camila promises, "and we can have all the snowball fights in the world."

"I really like living in Miami," Lauren says, "other than the lack of snow. One year my family and I went skiing in Canada, it was super cold and nobody looked at me funny for wearing a sweater."

"I'll admit, when you wear sweaters in one hundred degree heat, I kind of think you're a little crazy," Camila laughs, "I can barely handle a t-shirt in that kind of weather. I don't get how you manage sweaters all year round."

Lauren shrugs. "I like sweaters, they're comfy, and I stay inside lots during summer. Where I have air conditioning."

Camila snorts. "Yeah, but when you're inside, you stay under your blanket. Mostly."

"Only when I'm sad," Lauren says, "or when I want to cuddle with you."

"Well, whatever, it's still crazy," Camila retorts, "it's like you want to get heatstroke or something."

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