A Rather Large Encounter with Some Rather Large Gods

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He enters the room taking of his cap to reveal a shock of white slicked back hair.Even in his youth this apprentice was undeniably at the age of 16, walks to into an industriously chaotic hotel lobby. He's wearing brown military boots and a brown flight jacket, zipped all the way up. cap that contrasts his hair. Blue jeans is always his choice of pants. Walking into the hotel he flinches. It's carpeted with red velvet and there are furnishing all around. Gold plated walkways and diamond chandeliers hung above the mansion hotel. But it wasn't the fancy furnishings or the luxurious atmosphere that made Jacob (though he preferred to be Jessie) uneasy. It was, and I'm not surprised to say, the fact that most of people in the hotel were, in fact, trying to murder everyone else. This is Valhalla. The home of the valiant Norse army. The einherji, the heroic dead. Jessie wasn't here on the accordance of his death, he was here for a different reason. The battle ensued with an arnsal weaponry that spanned across the centuries.  with bloody battle axes, people with a rapid fire rifles and gleaming swords were trying to kill each other, because all of these people were training for Ragnarok Day. Jessie pulls out a cloak from his invisible extendable charm backpack. He pulls on the cape and suddenly vanishes from sight. With all of the roaring and screaming nobody noticed him go into the dining hall.

An enormous golden bell is rung just as he enters. Jesse clamps his hands over his ears, almost dropping the cape. Every Viking and assassin, along with every other resident in Valhalla, come rushing in as the everlasting wooden long tables are filled with food, as the seats are filled with people. Jessie dives over into the corner of the room and waits. Then he pulls a very intricate piece of wood out of his pocket. Now, this was no ordinary piece of wood, this was the Elder Wand. He unwraps the cloak and sees his target. A giant man, whom they call Thor. He points his wand towards his hammer, whom they call Mjolnir, and whispers with all of his might.

"Accio Mjolnir!" In a flash a giant hammer comes spirally towards Jessie. He leaps out of the way just in time to see it smack right into the wall. The entire room has become silent. All eyes turn to Thor, then to the hammer.

Thor bellows "Well little mortal how did you get and here, and how dare you try and take my Hammer! Now you listen—" Thor has suddenly lost the ability to speak, as Jessie just cast one of the most fierce "Silenco" spells he has ever cast.

"No, You listen to me! In fact, all of you listen to me! And listen close because I am only saying it once! I come from a place far from here! But I heard rumors that you all had many amazing and powerful artifacts. And I come here with an exact duplicate of the 'Elder Wand' I had to go steal this from some random person's grave, copy it (which by the way took many years of research for me to figure out how) and then go put back the original Elder Wand into the same man's grave!" Jessie is interrupted by a boy with shaggy brown hair. He comes running at Jessie as he tares off his sword pendant which turns into a sword. "Expelliarmus" yelled Jessie and the sword comes flinging out of his hand. The man looks a little baffled and now is trying to turn around but Jessie has other plans. He yells "Tarantallegra" and points his wand at the boy. The boy suddenly starts tap dancing uncontrollably. With Jessie's wand still pointing at the boy he continues with his speech. "Wow, see look here! You're all useless! Anyone else want to try! I'll make them dance with this man, oh boy tell me your name."

"Well" The boy is cut off by Jessie saying.

"Speak up and speak quickly my boy we don't have all day!"

"I am Magnus Chase!" Magnus Chase yells.

"See here even this nobody Mag person cannot even withstand my power." Jessie puts his wand down and Magnus stops dancing. He starts to wheeze and runs back into the crowd. "You're all WEAK. Hey Thor LOOK AT ME! You want to feel pain let me show you pain!" Jessie pulls out his wand and preps for his next spell. He muster lots of strength and yells "Crucio!" Thor suddenly screams in pain and grabs his ankle.

Thor yells. "MY ankle!! It has never felt this before. Curse you mortal!" Jessie lowers his wand. He is way out of breathe, because performing that spell on such a strong creature and only merely getting his ankle is tiring.

Jessie continues after his breathing is controlled "As I was saying, all of you are weak and I am here to take anything I want! Including this hammer, which I like very---" For the second time today Jessie is interrupted. This times its but the sudden crack of lightening and a very old looking man with a brown beard stands in front of Jessie. He missing one eye and has two ravens at his shoulders. Everyone has knelt to him, everyone that is, but Jessie. "What the bloody hell is it now! Who dare interrupt me again!"

He speaks with an old raspy tone. He words make everyone shiver. His voice is commanding and has the feeling of a wise old man. "Well you see here Jacob M. Olivander. And yes I do know your name, it's not that big of a deal." Jessie has become shocked, but he doesn't show it.

Jessie's only reply is. "Well of course you now my name. I'm a big deal where I come from. And if were going to be all buddy-buddy here I ought to know your name, and I prefer to be called Jessie" He says shrugging it off.

"Well, Jessie I am Odin, the father of all gods, the pet-keeper of Thought, and Memory. I am the man you lost an eye to be able to see all. I am the man you hung form Yggdrasil Tree to become all powerful."

"So you're a big guy and a big deal." Jessie says to hid his fright.

"And I know more about you than you know about yourself! You come from a place in Europe, the call it the Wizarding World. Your either a Wizard, a Squib, or a No-Maj. And---" Odin stops as Jessie holds up his hand in a halting manner.

"Sorry but what's a No-Maj?" Jessie questioned half bewildered and half annoyed that Odin is taking so long with you speech.

"You and your dumb wizards never thought to go and look at North American Magic? No-Maj is what you call muggles. And right now it seems like everyone here is your enemy. But let me tell you this I am stronger and can destroy you without a second thought." Odin says calmly as Jessie raises his wand. Jessie is prepping for another spell when, with no warningn it is flung out of his hand. It is flying towards Odin, but Jessie grabs it from the air and returns it to his hand.

"How, how did you do that? Merely with your wooden walking stick?" Jessie yells in full on fear at Odin.

"No, I didn't use your wand magic. That was just a small demonstration of my powers to you. I can will almost anything to be done and it is done. Now you don't know it, but we have a common enemy. One even I cannot defeat without the help of you and a few others. First let me show you what your enemy is." It wasn't like an apparition spell. Jessie was suddenly gone then there, only floating above in a cloud city. "This, is Asgard. My home and one of the Nine Worlds. I am the ruler of this place and it is my duty to protect it. But there is a huge army of terrible monstrous creatures heading this way." The cloud city below them is just what Jessie thought it would be, a cloud city. There are golden mansions resting on white fluffy clouds. In the distant Jessie was horrified to see the most terrible things. Creatures from all sorts of tales. There was Medusa and her sisters, a giant worm fish, centaurs, elves, dwarves, minotaurs, gods of Norse origin, Roman and Greek armies, nymphs of ever shape and kind. They were all raging forward. Each one in harmony marching towards Asgard with hate and death in their eyes. Suddenly they vanished. "That, Jacob, was a projection of the future."

Jessie and the Gods of Asgard (A J.K Rowling and Rick Riordan Cross-Over)Where stories live. Discover now