I'm moving out

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Pacifica's P.O.V.

I was at my room making new sweaters when mom and dad went in. They seemed to be wearing their business outfits meaning that I'll be alone for a while. But it okay. They were only gone for like 2-3 days.

"Pacifica, we have a meeting out of the country and we'll be back in a few months and since that is too long, your mother and I thought it best if you stay with your cousin Gideon and Uncle Bud." Dad said.

"Really?! That's great! I always wanted to see Reverse Falls!" I exclaimed.

"Yes, but you have to pack , we're leaving first thing tomorrow." Mom added.

I nodded and began to pack. I have no idea what to bring, so I bought all of my clothes. Once I was done, I looked around my room. Mom and dad aren't here and my windows were closed with the curtains drawn.

I went down under my bed and grabbed a book. When Gideon visited, he gave me this book and said that I have to keep this and never tell anyone about it. That I should keep it hidden. But I have no idea why. It's all just a bunch of fairytale to me. But oh well. I'm a girl of my word. I never let anyone touch or see this book.

It was a worn out book with the front cover having a six golden fingers that has a number three. The name was torn out and every page was all about these monsters and how to defeat them. It's really interesting and i began to read it everyday when I'm alone.

I placed it in my bag under all my clothes. What else should I bring. Oh I know! I went through my closet and opened up my secret compartment. It was filled with confetti and glitter bombs! I definitely should bring these!

Meanwhile ~

I was roaming around the woods when I came across the Gleeful twins. The bane of my existence. Why couldn't they just leave me alone?!

"Hey Giddy, just give us the book and we won't hurt you." Mabel purred.

I shook my head." I don't have it."

Dipper looked annoyed." Just give us the book!"

"I told you, I don't have it! It's with someone else."

"Where is he?!" Mabel demanded .

"She's far away from here."

Mabel looked furious." SHE ?! A GIRL?!"

I nodded hesitantly." Yes."

"Your girlfriend?" Dipper asked." Didn't think you had it in you."

"She's not my girlfriend, she's my cousin!" I said frustrated.

Mabel looked pleased." Your cousin?"

Dipper looked at me with his glowing blue eyes. When it was gone , there was a satisfied smile on his face. What's going on here?

"Got her picture sister dear, and mind I say she's a beauty."

I turned red." Stay away from her!"

He raised his hands in a surrender motion." Calm down , I'm just going to find her and take the book, I'm not going to harm her. Much." Knives swirled around him. And his eyes turned blue again.

He grinned ." Well, it seems that she's on her way here."

Mabel looked at him then back at me." We will have that book Giddy and your mine."

Dipper had a thoughtful expression." I wonder if she's single?"

Mabel rolled her eyes." Would that even stop you?"

He shook his head." Nah, he will be gone before he can scream."

Mabel looked back at me and blew me a kiss." See you my Gideon."

Dipper rolled his eyes." Goodbye Pines ."

I don't know if I should believe them about Pazzy coming here. She wouldn't. Would she? I just hope not. These Gleeful twins are bad news. Especially Dipper.

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