The prey and the preditor

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Dipper's P.O.V.

   I sat in my chair with my knives flying around me and the book in front of my face. But the flashbacks of yesterday still appears. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get the image of that girl out of my head. She's special, I can tell. I smirked, I have Will tracking her down and when she's here, I'll make my move.

"Stop smirking dear brother." Said my most annoying sister." I get you like the girl, just remember to get the book and she's all yours."

"I haven't forgotten dear sister." I replied as I sip the tea that Will made before he left." I should also tell you that same phrase, you let Pines out with the book."

She snapped her head at my direction." Don't remind me."

I raised an eyebrow." Or what."

Her amulet glowed but stopped." Don't forget Mabel, you may be the alpha twin, but I'm the master with the magic. Mind I remind you that Will said since I was the one to find the two amulets , I have double the power than you."

She glared at me and was about to reply but Will came back.

"What took you so long?!" She snapped at him.

Will cowered and started to shake." I-I'm s-sorry m-mistress b-but I have the information you and Master Dipper need."

I slammed the book close and the knives dropped to the floor." Do tell."

Will stooped shaking and snapped his fingers. The map of Reverse Falls appeared and there were 4 dots. One yellow, one green, and two blues.

"The yellow dot is the girl and the green is Pines. As you can see, he is further apart than you are to her. She is currently waiting in the bus station and her Uncle Bud is sending Pines to pick her up."

I nodded. So far so good." How long is Pines away from her?"

"Exactly 25 minutes Master Dipper ."

"And us?"

"13 minutes Mistress Mabel."

"Brother dear, what do you think?" Her eyes never leaving the map.

"I think that I'll go alone sister dear." I stood up.

Her eyes burned holes at my head when she turned to me." And why so?"

I rolled my eyes." If you would have come along , you would have wasted those 12 minutes talking about clothes and other girlish nonsense."

She was about to talk back , but I just teleported out.

Pacifica's P.O.V.

   I looked back at my watch. Where are they? It's so hot here. Maybe I shouldn't have worn a sweater at this heat, but I just love the design so much. I took out my phone and began to take selfies.

"Hello there." A graceful voice said.

I jumped and turned around and I was meet with the most beautiful brown eyes.

"I'm sorry to startle you, I just couldn't help notice that you seemed a bit lonely."

I nodded." Uh, yeah."

He smiled and took out his hand to me ." I haven't seen you around, I'm guessing you're new. I'm Dipper Gleeful."

I shook his hand ." Hi, I'm Pacifica Southeast."

He smiled and kissed the back of my hand." A beautiful name for a beautiful girl."

I blushed and took back my hand. He is kinda cute, but I just met him. For all I know he could be the town player.

"I should warn though, there are some people here you shouldn't trust."

I nodded." Yeah, my cousin told me."

He raised an eyebrow." Cousin? Is she the reason you're here in this town?"

I shook my head." It's actually a he and it's because my parents are going to be gone for a few months and they didn't want me to be alone."

He nodded and took out a book. My eyes widened. It looks exactly like mine! He saw my look and chuckled.

"Yeah, I get that this book is pretty old, but the story is interesting."

I nodded." I -" but I paused myself. Gideon told me not to tell anyone.


I shook my head." Nothing, forget I ever said anything."

"But that's difficult for me to do, your voice is so sweet and melodic, it just went directly to my heart."

I blushed and looked away. I heard him chuckle and he placed his fingers on my chin and made me look at him. I didn't know what happened next, all I felt was looking at his eyes. And I felt as if I was in a trance.

"It's okay Pacifica , you can trust me. I'm a man of my word and honor. Just tell me."

It was like I couldn't control myself." I have a book like that."

He smirked." And would you mind if I could borrow it, just for a little while?"

I wanted to say no, I really did, but mouth moved in its own accord." Su-"


I felt the trance stop and I was pulled away from Dipper.

"Pacifica, we have to go. Now." Gideon said glaring at Dipper.

He smirked at him and winked at me." I'll see you soon Pacifica." He took a rose from the bush besides the tree and threw it at me. I caught it and smiled at him." See you."

I was looking at the Rose with adoration no noticing the worried look on Gideon's face.

A.N. I do not own anything.

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