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Skyenja is honestly one of my OTP's

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Skyenja is honestly one of my OTP's. I feel like there is more reason as to why they has their fight. I feel like Adam had a crush on Mitch, and Mitch thought it was weird or something. Don't quote me on this. 

And we all take a moment to realise the impact this would of had on Mitch. its all about Seto and Adam. But just think about it. He was just trying to help the team and he got all of this fired into his face. Sure, I think he is resonsible, yet all of the former members of Team Crafted are too, They made that decision TOGETHER. I still don't understand why he is being held accountable for it. This is how I know the fandom is fucked 

Art Book #2Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt