The Shifting Ways

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Come around childeren. I will tell you a story. Are you all settled? Snaks and drinks in hand? No one needs the bathroom? Good.

There once was a young woman. She wasn't a woman yet. She was just a babe. Her eyes of amathyst only just glimpsing the world with innocence. Her story is one of sorrow from the moment she let out her first wail.

The child's mother was a fair maiden. Her hair the color of golden sun rays and her eyes a beutiful blue of summer skys. She lived in the pack. She was devout to the pack. The alpha's word was law. That is untill she found love in a man's embrace.

The man, strong and proud, Lived on his own terms. The Rougish behaviors and temperment enticed the maiden to his bed from there the child was concived.

The man was never to be seen again till the child was to be born. It was on that day he came. The pack forbade him to see the mother, and were to cast out the mother and new born after the birth. This was custom. To concive a child with one out side the pack was forbiden with out the arangment to transfer packs to one of the parent's.

There was a crie. The pain echoing through the lands. The final breath was given. Two lives were lost that day. A maiden loses a tear and a still infant lays in her arms as the two were made an example of. A preist depicted this to be a curse. The curse from the Gods and Godesses for mating with a rouge. No sooner had the man been permitted to see the deathly forms of the infant and mother, did a cry fill the air. A gasping wail. The infant once blue with death now became bright red with the angery fight to live.

This child who's eyes did not open yet, and head was toped with a small tuff of black hair, fought to live. With discust the man left, not even naming the child. The child's form was lifted from her dead mother and washed. She was given to the preist to care for as all orphans of the pack were.

This bastard child grew. She grew over the years never taking a name for the preist was still set on the doom this child would bring. It wasn't untill she grew of age to begin trianing was she given her first name. She was named Swiftpaws, after her agil movements in wher wolven form.

We will start our story here. For this is where she begins to understand just how different she was from the rest. Just how she will impact the world.


Ok Thank you all for reading this! I am trying to get my stuff up and veiwed.

I'm not a consistant writer, but I will try to be.

This is also my first Wattpad special. If you want to vew other site specials, go to my profile and chek out my other accounts.

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