Taste The Rainbow! ~ BoyxBoy

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Jay's P.O.V.

My hands were shaking as I looked up to my parents "Mom" I gulped "Dad" I looked between them. "Yes honey" My mother spoke, her rare purple eyes looked at me as if they were staring into my soul. "Im" I sucked in a breath "Im gay" I finally uttered as I look down.

    I heard my mom chuckle "Well , sweetheart that alright, you are our son , we will love you no matter what" . I looked at her and hugged her , then I looked over at my father . His Icy blue eyes stared at me . His eye were hard for a minute then they softened and he nodded and joined the hug and I smiled "I love you guys".

"We love you too son" My dad spoke.

 I felt someone jab me in the rib and I winced. "Are you going to stare in space or are you going to attend the line?' I heard my co worker Ally speak. I groaned and looked at the customer in front of me looking annoyed. I started to scan his items " That would be $20.00 sir" I spoke in a monotone voice. He murmured something along the lines of "terrible service and attitude" and handed me the money. I smirked and handed him his change and then started to play with my snake bites.

    After work I drove home and went to bed. I still can not believe summer break is over and my Sophomore year starts tomorrow. I groaned at the thought , I hate school so much.. I got up and walked to the bathroom. I started brushing my teeth and took in my features. 


I grabbed my iPhone and threw it at the wall . I HATE ALARMS! I groaned and crawled out of bed while running a hand through my brown hair. I walked to the bathroom and started brushing my teeth. It felt quite weird brushing my teeth with snake bites. I shrugged it off and spit out the now white goo. Before I walked out of the bathroom, my friend Brent walked into my room. 

"I'M HORNY!!" I heard him jump on my bed. "Jay come over here and give me some!" I laughed. "Oh honey, I don't know where you have been!" I screamed back and walked over to him. His face was priceless. I chuckled and started to take off my clothes in front of him. "If this is a strip tease , you are doing a horrible job at it" Brent said shaking his head in disapproval. I shook my head not responding and walked into the bathroom turning on the shower "DID YOU JUST IGNORE ME? FINE ITS NOT LIKE I LOVE YOU OR ANYTHING" I heard Brent fake sob and then my bedroom door opening then slamming shut , i shook my head , the friends i have these days . After showering i went to my bedroom and picked out my clothes , settling on a white V-neck , black jeans , and my black vans . "Ehhh , this will do " I muttered to myself as i looked at myself in the mirror . I jogged to the bathroom for like the 3rd time and styled my hair into a quiff , an  looked over my features. Strong Jaw , Purplish grey eyes , pink lips , a slight stubble growing , high cheek bones , straight brown hair , lean but muscular , a lip and eyebrow piercing . I  looked over at the clock , 8:40 , SHIT! Im late , i grabbed my book bag and ran downstairs , i went out and jumped into my black BMW and then drive to school.

   I walked into class . "Late on the first day back , Jay? Not a good start" I heard Mr.Laws say as he shook his head , i grunted in response and went to my seat till i saw a kid with rainbow hair sitting in it. "You're in my seat" I growled . He looked up and smirked "It doesn't have your name  on it" . I glared at him and looked him straight in the eye "Its going to be written in your blood if you don't get out of my seat" I growled. He didn't even flinch or look taken back , he just stayed  in his spot , plopped his feet on the desk an  leaned back "There are many chairs here go take.  seat somewhere else". I glared at him some more and then took a seat in the back. Through the whole lesson i was burning holes into his head with my stare.

  I felt someone poke me and I snapped my head towards the victim , and saw my best friend looking at me weirdly. I was too aggravated, so I looked away. I heard him gasp. I rolled my eyes, this person currently holding my seat, has no longer than 5 minutes knowing me and I already want to pound his head against the desk.. Dear lord.... 

Taste The Rainbow! ~ BoyxBoyWhere stories live. Discover now