Chapter 7: Jackson's Absence

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---Normal POV---

You get up the next morning and you go into the living room before getting around and your mom rushes up to you.
"(Y/n)! There was another murder last night!"
"The boys name was Jackson, I think he was your age. They can't find any evidence to catch the murderer.
No. Not Jackson. If only Leon hadn't snatched your phone away last night maybe, just maybe, you could have said goodbye properly.
Tears begin to roll down your face you can't help it. Jackson is dead. One of your best friends. Why him? Of all people... Why Jackson?
You aren't in much of a mood to go to school, but your mom figures it would be best if you did. You slowly get ready for school, then head out. Leon and Vincent are both waiting for you. Leon is the first person to speak.
"Hey, (y/n)..." As he gets closer he can see your red eyes. "(Y/n)... What's wrong?" He bends down a bit so he can look me in the eyes easier.
"Jackson... Is dead. Someone killed him. He was one of my best friends."
"Man... I'm sorry (y/n) I didn't hear."
Leon hugs you and he's warm. Even though you met him the day before, you feel as if you know him just as well as Vincent. You feel like you can trust him in full. You grab his black shirt and allow yourself to cry in his arms for awhile. Vincent doesn't say anything. Leon smells like smoke. Now, that smell both calms you down, and makes you nervouse at the same time. You and Leon stay hugging until you are done crying and you pull away.
"Thanks..." You say as you wipe away any remaining tears and begin walking towards school.
Vincent and Leon follow. Nobody says anything on the way to school. Vincent splits of from you and Leon so he can get in his locker, and you figured Leon would do the same, but he doesn't. He follows you to your locker.
He leans against the locker next to mine and watches me.
"What?" I say beginning to feel embarrassed.
"Oh... Nothing... Just thinking about what we're going to do on Friday."
That makes your face even more red. Leon smiles.
"C-can you think about it without staring at me?"
"What's the fun in that?" He says jokingly. You laugh a bit and shut your locker after putting up your bag and getting what you need for your first-hour class.
"I'm going to class, Leon. You should too."
"If you say so..." He says as he waves goodbye and heads down the hall. I head to my class. You take your seat next to Vincent. He looks at you for a second, then goes back to reading a book he has.
All of your classes are just like that. You and Vincent don't say anything. When lunch time comes you sit with... Most... Of your normal gang. Except Leon joins in, sitting between you and Vincent. (F/n) starts whispering to you.
"Whos the guy that looks like Vincent?"
"His brother, Leon."
"Where do you find all these hot guys (y/n)?" You laugh.
"What you girls talkin' about?" Vincent asks.
"Girl stuff." You reply smiling.
"Hmm... I want in." Leon jokes.
We all laugh a bit, but you already miss the sound of Jackson's laughing too. You don't stay laughing for long. After reminding yourself of Vincent, you don't have the best rest of the school day. You didn't talk much to anybody.
After school you go straight home, and you don't wait for Vincent or Leon before leaving. When you get home you head to your room, lock the door, close the blinds, and cry to yourself for awhile, before you watch some movies, then go to sleep.

---Yandere POV---

I figured (y/n) would be less upset about this whole Jackson thing. Maybe that's not it. Maybe (f/n) said something to her at lunch that made her extra upset. Maybe that's it. I was planning on getting rid of (f/n) anyway, but I guess I should go ahead and do it now, before it gets any worse. Don't ask where I got more gloves and new shows again. Let's just say I picked them up somewhere... I wait until nightfall, and start to head to (f/n)'s house. It's dawn's on me, that I could be the reason (y/n) was upset today... Maybe she doesn't like me killing these people, but in the long run, I just know she'll understand.
When I arrive at the house, I see (y/n) taking her puppy out, and I figure this would be a good chance to strike. I slink my way towards (f/n) and the puppy, and I take out my pocket knife.
"Hey (f/n)!"
(F/n) looks around for me, but she can't see me.
"Can't see me? Good. Well, let's just say, I don't want to do this, but I have to. Goodbye (F/n)." I say as I kept from the shadows and slide my knife skillfully across (f/n)'s neck. I turn and head back into the shadows, before there are any witnesses. As I've done before, I destroy the evidence, but never my precious pocket knife.

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