Chapter Five - Claire's Story

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My name is Claire Brookson.  I will be off to college soon.  I am eighteen years old.  I have a younger brother named Cole.  He has brown hair like me, but brown eyes like my mom.  My mom's name is Judy Brookson.  She had brown hair and brown eyes.  Anyways, lets get to my story.  

When I was two years old, my dad abandoned my mother and me, my mother being pregnant with twins.  My mom says he left because he didn't think he could handle two more children.  I know that's not the reason.  I always thought that he just hated us and he was a very drunken man anyway.  When I turned nine my mom abandoned my brothers, only being two months old, and me in a storm shelter.  We stayed there for days, maybe even weeks.  One day, a serviceman came to repair the storm shelter, and he found Cole and me crying because Jacob passed away from not having food in weeks.  Honestly, I didn't think that Cole would make it, I mean he was a very weak kid from the beginning and was never supposed to make it from the time he was born.  I'm still in shock today that little Jacob passed.  

But anyways, when the man found us he gasped then helped me out.  I was cradling the now three moth old Cole in my arms.  The man, whose name tag said Brody, looked down again and saw the body of my other baby brother laying in the floor.  He grabbed Cole out of my arms, making me scream.  He grabbed my hand and yanked me down the driveway and threw me in the car.  We stopped at McDonald's and got some food.  I had three burgers, chicken nuggets, two cokes, and two large fries.  Hey, a girl's got to eat.  Then we stopped at Wal-mart.  He threw in comforters, baby diapers, clothes, baby food, baby toys, a bike, a cradle, a bunch of food, and some toys for me.  Then we rushed to a furniture store, where he bought a bunk-bed with the top being for the girl and the bottom for a boy.  I stared at him with wide eyes, and he finally said that he was going to take us in.  We arrived at a huge house in the suburbs.  It had four bedrooms and three bathrooms.  He found his wife and told her that he had found us and that he was going to take us in.  She didn't object she rushed to our sides.  She turned on spongebob for me and fed my baby brother.  Meanwhile, Brody was putting together the beds and painting our rooms.  It was a hectic night, but we managed to get in our new rooms and have a peacuful night of sleep.  

Two years later, Mr. Brody's wife passed away, and from depression he passed away.  I was now eleven and Cole was only two.  It was a good thing Mrs. Jackie taught me how to cook.  But we didn't  last long.  Soon we were taken away to a foster home and lived there for five years.  

When I turned sixteen and my brother being seven, we escaped the foster home and ran off to Rosetown.  We stayed with friends and I got a job so I could attend school.  I then had to get another job so I could pay my brother's way into school.  We moved houses every year and soon ended up being homeless until I got a payraise and bought an apartment.  That's when I met Alex.  He was amazing, cute, and just like me.  Our similarities were that we cut, we were mysterious, and we loved loud music.  A few days after I met him, he asked me out.  Of course I said yes!  The down-side was that I hadn't been paying my bills, so we were kicked out.  When Alex found out he shoved us into his car and drove us to his house.  He introduced us to his family.  They were very nice and said yes to us staying.  When I said I had two jobs and that I could pay our way into school, they shook their heads and said, "Your are a part of our family now, so we will treat you like family."  My brother and I jumped up and down with glee.  We finally had a family, but that wasn't going to stop me from cutting.  I was still depressed and I always will be.  I just don't want to lose what took me forever to find.

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