(Mavin Role Play)

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Moment of Mavin!

Michael: Gav?

Gavin: Hm?

Michael: what happened last night(He was drunk)

Gavin: U were drunk and Ray and Haley stayed over ,without Lilly, and they were drunk also And Rayley is still sleeping!

Michael: Sees* Oh...Lily stayed with Zoe?

Gavin: Yep and Zoe said that Lilly doesn't cry

Michael: Oh.......

Ray: Coughs* W-what happened *Looks for glasses*

Gavin: U three, U Michael and Hals got drunk and ur daughter stayed with Zoe.

Ray: Oh, Haley is still sleeping

Gavin: Yeah I think its surprising

Ray: Shes a sleep inner

Michael: I'm going back to bed

Gavin: Kisses Michaels forehead* Ok sleepy head....Want breakfast Ray?

Ray: Sure why not while waiting for people to wake up.

Michael: Night Gavy and Ray!

Gavin: Night Michay

Ray: Night bud!

Haley: Ray shut up.....

Ray: No

Haley: Yeah........,

XD Weirdos!

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