The Woodsie

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Hey guys! Got another idea for you! This is actually an assignment I wrote for class and decided to expand into an anthology of short stories. Read this little excerpt and tell me what you think! 

Summery: They're rich, popular, and have the bodies of greek gods. But the four princes of Pocohantas High School have a secret. A secret that when unraveled, could ruin it all, including their friendship.  

Dalton stared at the coffin in front of them and pulled at his collar in an attempt to keep his tie from strangling him. He had been so preoccupied earlier that he couldn't figure out how to tie the damn thing so his brother, Erik, had to do it for him because their mother was busy with a client. Erik seemed to confuse his tie with a choker. Standing there in the graveyard with his curly caramel hair combed, in his newly fitted black tux that had been saved after the Junior prom, Dalton wondered what the hell was going on. He looked up at his group of friends: Christopher aka Toby...Tyler...and Dalton's brother, Erik. Were they all seriously standing here?  

"This is bullshit," Erik spat as he kicked the grass. He was wearing a tux identical to Dalton's. Since they were so close in age, not even a year apart, their mother liked to dress them in matching clothes, even after elementary school was behind them. The boys even looked alike, both with sun-kissed skin and uncommon violet eyes, a family trait passed down from their grandmother. A breeze combed through Erik's black cropped hair.  

"Erik," Tyler warned. He wore an all black ensemble, put together by the maid, that clashed with his ivory skin and his brilliant blonde shaggy hair that was long enough to fall into his amber eyes, until he whipped it back into place with a jerk of his head. "Her mother is still here."  

Erik glanced back at the grieving mother of Jade Carsen, the town joke. The girl was a loser, a nobody that you couldn't pick from a crowd. Not because you didn't notice her, but because you wouldn't claim to have ever met her in front of people. Who would? She was fat and looked like a cow more than a girl because of those hideous white and black dresses she wore all the time. Erik almost felt bad for the poor girl, and maybe would have if she hadn't snuck that love letter into his locker last year. It took forever for him to live down the humiliation that accompanied her affections. Who would want Jade Carsen as their date to the junior prom? You couldn't pay Erik enough.  

"Why are we even here?" Toby asked, bored out of his skull. He fidgeted from one foot to the other, trying to conveniently and slyly fix the wedgie that attacked his rear end as soon as Jade's funeral ended. At any other time he would've just pulled it out but Tyler had been on edge that day. Toby scratched the back of his neck, counting down the minutes until he could ditch his tux. He had never worn one before in his life despite the parties his father, a banker, was famous for throwing. Toby's wavy black hair was shaved into a fade last night by his older sister. His hunter green eyes contrasted with his chestnut skin.  

"We're here to pay our respects," Tyler answered, voice edgier than usual. He didn't want to be here any more than his friends did but after what happened, this was necessary. Everything Tyler did had an angle. 

"Stop complaining," Dalton hissed. "This was our fault." 

"Like hell it was," Erik argued. "It was her idea to go to the Woodsie last weekend."

"Yeah, because you pressured her into it. You knew she had a thing for you," Dalton snapped.  

"Take off the halo, Dalton. You were right there with the rest of us." Dalton looked away from his brother and bit the inside of his cheek. Satisfied, Erik directed his question to anyone who was listening. "Whose fucking idea was it?"  

"Mine," Tyler interjected. "But I didn't mean for it to go that far."  

Toby sighed, still fidgeting because the damn wedgie wouldn't come out. "Screw it," he mumbled and pulled it out, breathing out in relief.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2013 ⏰

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