Ok I just got tagged, and if I tag you and you don't really know what the tag game is about then I will explain it to you. So basically what it is, is when someone you follow or your close to brings up your Username for wattpad in their tag book, that means you have been tagged and you have to start your own tag book and put down 15 facts about yourself and 15 people that you want to tag.
(1) I am a girl
(2) I am bisexual
(3) I love Steven Universe
(4) I like to wear L.E.D shoes to school
(5) I am funny
(6) I am my parents only child
(7) I ship Bubbline like crazy
(8) I ship Lapidot like crazy
(9) I am mostly on kik, YouTube, and wattpad
(10) My favorite food is dim sum
(11) I like to play video games
(12) I LOVE ANIME'S!!!
(13) I have seen 17 anime in total
(14) I like to write poetry
(15) I like to go on cruisesOk now the fun part these are people I chose to tag!!!!!
BubblineVauseman(Top bubbline shipper)
GarnetTheFusion-(Let's stop bullying now!!!)
Gomez_Ken02(Meet her on my last cruise)
Sanspai56(She is one who tagged me)
ShyDarkness(One of my BFF)
Mustang109(A really cool dude)
Breezy122334( A person who can make you laugh)
lapidotsuniverse( Top Lapidot shipper)
EVOLVED_LUCID( A cool guy to talk to)
YELLOWLAZULI(One funny ass bitch)
cookielicious04( A person you can trust)
Panda_theanimatronic( My BFF)
jeremiahjones242( A guy who likes Lapidot)
swagtron( Top Stevonnie shipper)
x_BEA_x(A crazy ass bitch who can make you laugh)THERE I AM DONE,
РазноеOk so I have just been tagged and looks like I have to along with this game, so, here goes nothing.