Its not happing {justind bieber}

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Today was like any other day The paps everywhere screaming at me and justin yeah I guess I was use to it since we have been married for 2 years it wasn't nothing new, but it did get somewhat annoying!

As justin pulled me under his jacket to hide me from the paps he whispered in my ear

"Babe don't worry I got you" the sound if his voice calmed me and I knew everything would be ok, I felt so safe with him

When we finely got into the car he pulled me closer to him his warm body against mine I slowly feel asleep

When I awoke the next morning justin wasn't next to me like he always his but I didn't worry maybe scooters needed him,

I slowly crawled out of bed and went into the bathroom took a shower did all the things a girl pretty much dose in the shower after my shower I got dressed and went downstairs but I didn't exactly see what I guess I wasn't supposed to see

When I got down the stairs I herd Justin and Ryan talking I smiled

I slowly walked around the corner to see them both in the kitchen

"Hey babe"

I beamed at Justin and walked over and kisses his check he smiled


"Ryan Justin what are you boys doing"

"Well me and Justin kinda wanted to got sky diving"

As soon as the words left his lips I almost spit my orange juice out


"Babe calm down I'm not even sure I want to go" Justin said as he walked over and hugged me from behind

"Justin don't even think about it! you might get hurt or worst die!"

Justin and Ryan laughed at how scared I was at this idea but I didn't care I had a pretty good reason for believing all those things

At that moment Justin's phone went off

"Oh guys it's scooter I got to get this I'll be right back"

I smiled at him he was so cute

"So Ryan"

Ryan looked at me as if he was hiding something

"Uh I've got to uh go bye"

He stutter the words then left in a hurry

"What was that about" I think aloud to my self but of corse I doubt I will know

As I walked around the corner of the kitchen island I looked up at the TV to see justin kissing Selena Gomaz! My mouth dropped and the orange juice in my hand fell to the floor! was this why Ryan left in a hurry or was this just some paps idea of fame?

Its not happing  {justind bieber}Where stories live. Discover now