Is he cheating

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I grabbed the remote and turned the TV up,

TV reporter::: ok Tina how about you tell us what's happening here? Is Justin cheating on his wife Emily or is this just some photoshopped picture?

That's all I hoped it was, just a photoshopped picture

Tina: well Ethan this is an real picture it was took at the corner cafe, Justin last week was at his signing after his wife Emily left to go do a photo shot he and Selena went out for coffee, but when he got up to leave Selena went for a hug and Justin turned it into a kiss it was a quick kiss but it happen

Ethan: oh wow! so Justin Bieber and Selena might be getting back together? well that's not good after all him and Emily have been married for 2 years now and from the looks of it they are pretty happy

Tina: oh but Ethan your wrong look at this picture from lasts night VMA's Justin and Emily leaving look at Justin's face Ethan he don't look very happy here and clearly she is trying to hold his hand right here and we can't forget the big fight they had last week when she left his hotel in tears!

Ethan: oh yes I remember that Emily ran out crying and Justin chased after her but she turned around and screamed at him

Tina: do you remember what she screamed?

Ethan: yes Tina yes I do she turned around when he yells baby I didn't mean it and she turned around and screamed why Justin why

Tina: well to me that don't sound like a happy couple and in half the pictures we have of them Justin don't look very happy sometimes she try's to hold his hand but he just don't do it like he's not happy and in all the pictures we have of him and Selena you can clearly see he was a lot happier with her so this doesn't surprise me at all

I have herd enough of their talk I grabbed the remote and turned the TV off but by then I had tears rushing down my face! I turned around and ran up the stairs and slammed our bed room door shut I curled up in the corner and cried for what seemed like hours then I herd Justin coming up the stairs he was the last person I wanted see right now

His foot steps got closer and closer then finely the door slowly open and Justin peeped his head in

"Babe what's wrong"he asked me then ran over and got on his knees in front of me he tried to hold me but I pushed him away

"Justin why!"

"Babe what are you talking about"

"The news justin! you cheated" I spat at him he looked at me with Sadness in his eyes I knew right then and there that it was true

"It's not what you think" he mumble in a low and soft voice as he dropped his head

"Not what I think Justin, how can it possible be not what I think!"

"She-I I I don't know what to say but I swear to you Emily I love you with all my heart and that it's not what you think she she came on to me"

"Justin I-"

"No let me finish, we went out for coffee she said she wanted to talk so I agreed and we talked for an hour then she had to leave I went to give her a hug and she kissed me it's not the other way around like the E! news is saying baby I swear it's not"

I couldn't look at him I just stared at the ground

"Justin I think we need time apart"

"No baby I-"

"Let me finish, I will go away for 2 months with my mom and give you this whole place to think about things Justin"

He put two fingers under my chin and lifted my head up he looked me in the eyes

"Babe I don't need to think about anything or anyone I know with all my heart and everything in me that your the only one I want or will ever need Emily Elena Bieber your my everything and the reason I breath I love you what me and Selena had 3 years ago is over and I'm over her your the only one I want in my life right now and the only one I will ever need if I didn't mean this I wouldn't have married you"

Tears started to fall down my checks but they weren't sad tears they where happy tears I smile and jumped into Justin's arms making him fall back I was on top and I pulled away from is shoulder and looked him in the eyes he had a smile on his face which made me smile to

"Justin drew Bieber I love you"

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