Chapter 3 - This is it

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Anna's P.O.V.

After finding a parking space, unloading my guitar and music from the car, and locking it, I started off for my final destination. My audition.

I felt butterflies in my stomach as I reached the giant brick building. There were girls and women everywhere, all holding guitars. Music and voices rang out, as everyone mingled and played.

I was surprised at how many people there were. I'm definitely going to have to do my absolute best. I listened to some of the girls play, and they were GOOD. Really good.

A girl with dirty blonde hair, standing next to me, not really talking to anyone, was humming the chorus of "Tears of Hercules" one of my favorite songs on Mythology, CT's latest album. Keith's voice just makes a spark ignite in my heart. It's so powerful, yet soft, and he draws you into the feeling of the song.

I turned to the girl and asked, "Tears of Hercules?". She snapped out of her thoughts and replied with a giggle, "yeah, it's one of my favorites". "Me too. The first time I heard it I was so captivated. It's beautiful," I smiled.

We started talking about Keith, and shared our names with each other. Her name was Rose.

I found out that she was from San Diego, and 19, like me. I told her about how much I loved Keith, and how he was the main reason that I was standing there. She did the same, and we decided to get our guitars out and practice together.

As I took my guitar out of its case, I looked over at hers to see that she had a Luna Flora Rose. One of my favorite guitars as a kid. "That's a gorgeous guitar," I said, a giant smile on my face. It glittered in the afternoon sunlight, making the roses all along the body shimmer and sparkle.

It matched her name, Rose.

"Thank you!" she replied, running her fingertips along the top of the strong, polished wood. "I've had it for about six years now, and I couldn't live without it." "I know the feeling!" I said, "I can't imagine not having mine".

She shielded her eyes from the sun and looked over at my guitar. A Mitchell MD-100. My first guitar. A cheap one, but a pretty one. It had abalone all around the sound hole, with a spruce top, and a mahogany back, and sides. It fit me perfectly, and I love it to pieces.

She's even got a name. Yes, I said she.

"Yours is beautiful!" she said, her smile genuine. "Thanks! It's not a nice guitar like yours, but it's my baby and I love it" I hugged it close to me, and started to tune it.

We began to play some of our favorite songs back and forth, as well as our audition songs to warm up. Mine was "Here Comes The Sun" by The Beatles. I played it they way Keith plays it on his album, as the guitar-work is phenomenal.

Rose's audition song was "Skinny Love" by Birdy, another great one.

We talked and laughed, and shared stories. We eventually exchanged phone numbers, and packed up our guitars as soon as the line started to creep down the side of the building.

I stood next to Rose and leaned against the wall, crossing my left leg over my right sub-consciously. I turned to her and confessed, "this is probably the scariest thing I have ever done". She nodded her head and said with a sigh, "Me too".

After a while, we were nearing the door to the audition room, and I was so nervous that I almost felt like throwing up right there on the sidewalk.

There were three people in front of me, and then there were two, and then there was one.

After about five more minutes, the next person was called to come in. The next person. Me. I was the next person.

Turning to Rose, I said goodbye as she wished me luck. I took a deep breath, and pushed open the door.

This is it.


So that's chapter 3! Please let me know if you are enjoying it so far, I love feedback.:)

Love you guys!

P.S. The pic on the side is of Rose's guitar:)

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