Lost Spark

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Chapter 2
Finns pov:
I walked into my class room and sat down just as my best friend Puck came in.

"Hey man." He said .

"Hey." I said noticing his smile.

"So wanna see something hot?" He asked me.

"Nope." I said but he didn't listen.

He whiped out his phone and showed me a picture of this sexy girl in a bikini.

"Whos that?" I asked him.

"Ingrid , she's from Switzerland." He said smirking.

"Are you ever going to settle down?" I asked him.

"Nope because settling down is for idiots." He said.

I gave him a glare,

"No offense." He said.

"You're 35 years old man , you don't want to be humping and dumping girls forever." I said.

"Look I get it, you're a family man , you and Rachel had Mia when you were 16 and thats great but I don't want to settle down ." He said.

"Does this have to do with Quinn?" I asked him.

"No , I'm a wild man no one can hold me down not even Quinn." He said.

"If you say so." I said.

"So , how are things with you and the Mrs.? Any action?" He asked me.

"No , we're so busy with the kids it's hard to have any special time to ourselves. It just feels like the spark is going out faster and faster." I said.

"Thats what happens when you grow up and have kids , another reason for Puckzilla not to settle down." He said.

"We're just both so tired." I said.

"Why don't you go on a little vay-cay? Just the two of you ."  He said.

"That be nice but Rachel won't leave the kids." I said.

"You never know moms need some action too." He said and left just as the bell rang.

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