Me myself and my baby

383 19 6

I roll over in my bed and I feel a small body close to mine I smile; we must have fallen asleep while watching the lion king.

I get of the bed went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a shower. When I get out the bathroom my baby was still sleeping, I put on a sun dress and go down stairs to make breakfast. Today is Sunday and I'm having two of my sisters over with their kids for a play date.

I was done with breakfast when my little man walked in the kitchen and took a seat on one the stools by the kitchen counter.

"good morning mom"

"morning baby you want some breakfast"

"yes please" I hand him a plate of pancake, sausages and some fruits.

"are you happy you cousins are coming over today"

"yes I can't wait to see them mom it's going to be so fun"

"I know baby finish up your breakfast they're going to be here any minute now"

"ok mom" he says while chewing his food, I give him the (I know you didn't talk with your mouth full) look and he puts his head down acting like he didn't see me looking at him.

As I was fixing the dishes away I heard the overcome buzzing I walk over to it and answer.

"yes Carlos" I say to the security Guard on the other end of the line.

"I have Mrs. Carline La-Blanch here for you"

"oh yes she's my sister please let her in "

"yes ma'am"

"oh by the way Carlos I'm going to have my other sister coming soon too her name is Juliette Paul just let her in please"

"yes ma'am".

There was a knock at my door "I'm coming"

I open the door and there stands my beautiful older sister Carline with her hair down no makeup on her face which was strange because this woman wears makeup even when she's going to bed. I give her a hug and move to the side so she can come in. I look down to meet my beautiful niece Sarah she was 6 years old but has the energy of the energizer bunny. She has beautiful big brown eyes with lashes to die for.

"tatie" I hear my son voice yelling behind as I was bending over to give Sarah a hug.

"hi aunty baby how have you been" my sister says while hugging him.

"I miss you tatie"

"I miss you too baby"

I was about to close the front door when I see Juliette's car pull in my drive way. As soon as she parked the car Julissa and Trevor rush out the car and ran to me. I hug and kiss them. Julissa is 7 and Trevor is 6. My sisters and I try our best to have play dates at least every other week so the kids can interact with each other.

My sisters and I were sitting on the back patio talking about random stuff while the kids played, there was a knock on the front door and I already knew who it was. The only person with the security bar code but no keys to the house Nathalie.

"hey Nat what you doing here" I say when I open the door.

"bitch what you mean what I'm doing here I live here part time remember"

"girl watch what you saying my sisters and the kids are here and you know how they get when you curse"

"oh shit my bad" she whisper

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