Chapter 3

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Ding! Bella clecked her phone thr instant she heard the text come through. Standing in the middle of the busy hallway, with people periodically bumping into her, she read;
From: Jake
Hey! Meet me outside by the fountai. :)

She typed a quick reply to thr message as she continued on her way to the locker, quickening her steps. The hallway was getting very congested as everyone was trying to rush out thr doors or to their lockers in anticipation of the long weekend. It took a good few minutes longer for her to grab the necessary books and utensils needed for her homework and exit through the doors. Once she was out in the open she headed in the direction of the fountain, the whole timr searching all the faces for those ominous green eyes. Not seeing any sign of Jake in the courtyard she looked to the fountain, maybe he hadn't made it out of that crazy stampede they called a hallway.

In th courtyard she saw friends of all ages and groups meetimg up and either making plans to hang out during the weekend or just saying goodbye. You would think it was a holiday or something the way some of these people were acting. It was almoat laughable. As she continued her search of faces she glanced towards the parking lot and caught sight of Kat and Ian.

She tried to duck behind some people before they could see her but of course Ian, with his sidekick powers, looked over just in time to catch her eye. She was almost at the fountain as they started to make there way in her direction. Bella tried to gesture to them that she was busy so she wouldnt have to yell accross the grass. Not picking up on her signals, despite her great connection to her friends, they both started towards her. Just as she was about to start walking towards them they stopped and gave her funny looks, as she was about to turn around she felt a light tap on her shoulder. She jumped in surprise as she tried to turn around, loosing her balance she started to fall. Right as she thought she would hit the ground she felt two strong arms wrap around her, stopping her downward fall.

Blinking into the light she stared into those beautiful green pools, someone could get lost in those eyes. A few strands of his hair had fallen onto his forehead in that really cute way, he had an expression of ammusement mixed with mild concern on his handsome face. That glorious blond hair, she just wanted to touch it. Wait... What are you thinking. You bairly know this guy. She chidded herself.

"We've got to stop meeting like this before someone gets hurt." His lips curved into a smirk.

She stared up at him, speachless. Jake placed her on her feet, reluctantly he dropped his arms back to his sides.

"Th..thanks.." She finally managed to mumble.

"Do you happen to fall on a regular basis or is that only for me?" He asked with a twinkle in his eye and a small, lopsided grin on his face.

She almost couldn't think of what to say because she was so busy starting at his captivating eyes. She nervously giggled "That's definately the first time I've heard heard that one. Use it often?" She could have face palmed at that. What was wrong with her?

"No, just you. But seriously, should I be worried?"

"Oh..umm." she spit out lamely. "Actually, I do happen to be alittle bit of a clutz, at least thats what my friends tell me, it just usually happens around home, or when I'm walking." why couldn't she think of anything whitty or sarcastic to say? Her words just seemed so lame when she talked to him. He probably thought she was crazy as well as a walking hazard.

Laughing he picked up her backpack from the ground that she hadn't even noticed had fallen to the ground in the fiasco.

The clearing of a throat brought her back from dream land. Turning around she saw Kat and Ian standing right behind her.

"Do you need a ride home?" Asked Ian, saving her from the embarasment of bringing up thr near face plant. He was a great friend like that. He hated to embarase people more than necessary and he always deflected from Bellas crazy moments.

"Actually, I'm going to study with Jake today." She said sheepishly.

Kat gave her a raised eyebrow look before anyone else saw and Jake butted in, "You guys can join us if you want." A small sinking feeling entered Bellas stomach as she realized he probably was just doing homework with her because he didn't have any friends yet. He probably would have asked anyone who had befriended him first. Why did that make her sad..? She pushed the feeling to the back of her head as she put a small smile on her face and nodded slightly in agreement.

"Thanks but I've got chores to do, I also have to pick up my little brother from school. Speaking of which, I should probably get going so he doesnt have to wait around. By guys!" Ian walked away as he waved back at them.

Bella rmembered that Ian's mom wasnt able to pick Will up from school on Thursdays because she had to work late at the office.

"I would love to but I've already got plans." Kat gave Bella a curious look.

Bella looked back and shrugged
What was she doing, she barely knew this guy and already she was making plans with him. What if he was a really mean guy? What if he was realky nice? How would she act aroumd him. Maybe she should make up an excuse since he did try to invite her friends to. Obviously he didn't really care who he hung out with. Just so long as he had people. Maybe he was one of those guys who always had to have an audience to make himself feel better. She skeptically glanced at him as she heard Kat say "Is anybody in there?" as she tapped her forehead with an amused look.

"Sorry... Were you saying something?" a slight grimace marking her face. She really needed to stop going into her head when talking with people.

"Ya. I was just asking where you wanted to study."

" oh. Sorry. I don't think we got that far yet." she questioningly glance in Jakes direction.
"I'm not really sure where the good places are, of course if there isnt any good options we could always just study at my house."

Bellas eyes almost bulged out at the offer.

"Of course my mom would be there the whole time and we would just be in the kitchen or the livingroom." He huried the sentance out at the look on her face.

Slowly she relaxed and her nerves clamed at the information. She definately was not ready to be alone with the rugidly handsome guy. Wait. What?! Where had her thoughts just gone. This was so new to her that she didnt know what to think.

"I better get going, my mom just got here. Nice to see you again Jake. Text me latter Bella, we need to go shopping this weekend I'm in serious need of some sweaters for winter." She didnt wait for a reply as she ran off to the waiting minivan her mom drove.

A slightly awkard silence followed after saying goodbye to Kat. Finally clearing her throat Bella squeeked out. "The library in town is a pretty great place for homework. Not to many people are there today because of the long weekend. Why did you want to do homework today anyways since it is the beginning of a long weekend you would have......" she drifted off as she relized she was rambling. Jake was giving her a very amused sexy smile as he enjoued listening to her voice. She quickly looked down at her feet in embarassment. You always have to do that dont you? Why cant you just talk to cute guys in a normal way? I should have jusg accepted his invitation to study at his house. But i dont think I'm ready for that.

She slowly came out of her thoughts as she saw Jake just staring at her.

Finally he said. "Sounds good. Is there any food places though? Im getting kind of hungry."


Hey guys!!! Sorry for not updating in forever. I kind of fell away from writing for abit but im back now and really enjoying this story. I hope to keep it up and finish this off soon so I can keep going on my other stories. Please let me know what you think. I would love to hear from you. Thanks for reading!! I plan to update agian in the next few days. Untill then xxxxx

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2016 ⏰

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