Chapter 1

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  One morning Bella woke to a loud noise that was coming from outside of her bedroom door. After paying close attention to the sound she realized that her parents were fighting again. It seemed like they had screaming matches every once in a while. Recently it had been getting worse and more frequent. Her father was hardly ever home now. Even though she rarely to never talk to her parents about it, it really bothered her when they fought. Bella lay on her bed just getting more upset as the minutes ticked by.

  Unsure of what to do Bella walked rapidly to her bedroom door, grabbing hold of the handle she pulled it back then slammed it in annoyance and anger as hard as she could, sending a loud cracking noise echoing through the house. At that exact moment her parents stopped. You could have heard a pin drop. They knew that she was listening in again. Running back to her bed she flung herself underneath the covers just as tears started brimming in her bright blue eyes. A minute later there were footsteps dredging up the stairs and by the sound of the footsteps she could tell it was her mother. Mom was always the one who came and apologized. There was a quiet rapping at the door. Then, "Sweetheart, can i come in?"

"I guess." She replied drowsily, quickly wiping away any trace of the few tears that forced theirselves down her face.

"Your father and I were just discussing him going out for the day, nothing for you to worry about." Mom said confidently, evidently trying to convince herself and Bella that they were not in a huge fight, not wanting to admit it to herself.

"It sounded more like an argument." Bella let the words trail off in a whisper.

"I’m leaving for work early again today. Your dad is going to be out all day. Possibly all night as well." She explained as she ignored what Bella had just said.

"With who?" She ask, irritation evident in her voice.

"He has a very important meeting that he can't miss and he said it will take a while to get things sorted out with the company. It's not with anybody specific that I know of." Not completely answering her question Mom gently shut the door and walked out before Bella could continue asking questions, Bella liked talking to her mom but lately they never did get a chance to talk much. She was always out late and not paying attention to Bella properly when they did occasionally get to discussing the days. It didn't help that Mom was hardly ever home anymore.

Glancing at her clock that sat on the bedside table, 7 o'clock, good. She hesitantly got up from the warm covers and headed reluctantly to the showers to get ready for school.

After coming out of the shower she blow-dried and straightened her long golden brown hair. Standing in front of her closet she debated on what to wear. Finally settling on a pair of dark wash jeans and a deep red V-neck sweater, she went to the makeup mirror and applied some foundation along with a bit of eye liner and mascara. After she was done getting ready she remembered about her necklace, running to the jewelry box she delicately picked out a fine chained gold locket and secured it around her neck.

She headed down the stairs for breakfast knowing that once again there would be no food waiting out for her. This was getting old. Her mother barely went shopping anymore and when she did she rarely brought back anything that was actually worth eating. But before her parents had started to fight things were different. There was always breakfast ready and the fridge was always full with delicious food. Everything had changed now.

 So she quickly decided to buy breakfast and lunch on the way to school since she was still a little bit early and would have a few extra minutes to spare. Grabbing some money out of the money jar her mom kept for emergencies Bella stuffed it in her pocket and headed out the front door.

While walking down the street she spotted her long time friend as he came to the corner that she was at.

"Hey Ian" She exclaimed. "I’m going to get something to eat from Tim Horton’s, wanna come?"

"Hey Bella. Sure!"

"Alright." They quickly walked to the store and bought breakfast and lunch fairly quickly since the line wasn't very long. Ian just got himself a coffee.

"How are you parents doing?" He asked sympathetically.

"Well… not too bad. I think they are starting to work things out." She lied; trying her hardest to put a smile on my face so he wouldn't start to ask questions, now was not the time to get into details. The way his green eyes bore into hers she knew that Ian could see right through her fake smile. But to her relief he could tell that she didn’t want to talk about it and he dropped it. They  fell into small talk for the rest of the walk, just talking about how school had been and what they planned on doing during the weekend.

As they turned the corner that led to their school yard the green landscape came into view. The yard was filled with students of varying ages from grade nine through grade twelve. In every school there are groups and you could see them everywhere, all segregated into their little groups not talking to other people that were not in there clicks.

Bella and Ian split up when they entered the school yard because they both had a different group of friends. But just as Bella was walking towards her group then quickly turned away and found herself walking in the opposite direction. She couldn't face her classmates. No doubt they were talking about how their weekends were and all that other stuff. Bella just wanted to be alone with her thoughts.

As Bella continued to walk to a bench that was underneath a big oak she tripped on a root. Her books and papers scattered all over the ground.

Cautiously she turned over and got to her feet. Bending over she started to retrieve her books. As she was reaching for her belongings another pair of hands joined hers. They reached for the same book, and when their hands touch a warm feeling flew through her arm. She yanked her hand away so quickly. When she looked up she found a guy staring back at her with the most amazing eyes. They were blue with green flicks in them and it seemed as though the sun danced in his gorgeous eyes. Standing the guy handed her her book politely. She slowly got to her feet and noticed how tall he was. At least four inches higher than herself. Their hands brushed together briefly in the exchange and a small blush appeared on her face.

"Thank you." Before thinking the words were out of my mouth. No takeing them back.

"You’re welcome." Came the soft, mildly deep voice of a boy. "My names Jake." He politely held out his hand for her to shake, he seemed the type of boy that was a real gentleman.

"I’m Bella." She tripped over her words, trying not to look directly into his eyes. A genuine smile appeared on his face at the way she couldn't look straight at him.

"Well nice to meet you Bella. Are you okay? It looked like a pretty hard fall." He prodded as he looked into her eyes, not breaking the connection after she gently answered "I’m fine. Thank you." Quickly looking away so as not to seem too weird just staring.

I know not very original. But what did I know about talking to guys? I only have one guy friend and I have known him since I was a baby. Breaking out of her thoughts she saw him looking around like a lost puppy, occasionally glancing at a piece of paper.

"Are you lost?" She asked.

"Well I wouldn't say lost." He said with a grin on his face and slight humor in his voice. "But I'm not very familiar with this school. I just transferred."

"Oh. Well, where are you going?"

"To the Science building. Mrs. Jenkins is my teacher." he informed her after glancing at a sheet of paper he held in his hand. She knew it was his schedule when he kept referring to it before answering her.

"I’m headed in that direction. I’ll show you the way." She felt a little uncomfortable with walking and talking to a stranger but his inviting voice and personality made her more at ease and the more she talked to him the more Bella began to like him.

A/N: This is my first story that i have put up. hope you guys like it and the next chapter will be coming up soon! Vote or comment if you want another chapter! ive been really buisy and if people want more of the story i will write it! :)

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