God Almighty used His blood to create souls some souls chose to become stars, and to be star bearers and others wanted to be nursing stars, while others wanted to be animals to feed God and His family, so did every single soul choose the best way to serve and glorify God Almighty and His family. A Commandment was made and a decree was set: let each soul keep true to their own estate, let them love, honor, respect and care for each other, side by side they will flourish while caring for each other. God Almighty also created the hosts of heaven; they were the star people guardians of the stars and galaxies. God Almighty became the Father of everything They created. Side by side He and wisdom created a realm of life all around them and the Holy Spirit shine His light in splendor and glory.
Then God Almighty and Wisdom's first born child was born and they called Him Jesus/Yeshua who we knew from earth. Because God Most High has wings, wisdom has wings and Jesus was also born with wings. All God's children are born with wings which He called Cherubs they are the princes of the universe. All God's children are created the same way humans creates babies, because we are created in His image with the same expectations and feelings as He has. When a Cherub is fully grown they are called gods, then they can decide to bring out their wings whenever they want to use it. In the mean time they look just like humans but in a much larger and bigger scale. Cherubs also have other abilities, their thoughts become reality and with their thoughts they can be anywhere they like to be. When humans die and excepted Jesus on earth before they died, they will receive eternal life and wings in heaven as well because we are created in the image of God Almighty. However angels do not have wings because they are not created in the image of God they just look like men.
God Almighty blessed Jesus/ Yeshua and said: You are as much a part of Me as I am a part of you we are from the same blood, We are One, however I will be your Father and You will be My beloved Son. You are My first born the successor to My throne. My secrets are Yours and You will do as I do, with the Word you will speak and you will create marvelous things. You will be the Sheppard who will bring the word of love, hope and peace to all and help the souls entrapped in darkness. You will hear them when they cry for help, and you will rescue them and deliver them from darkness, back into light.
You will also be Adonai the Master and conqueror who defeat all challenges, the ruler and the leading LORD of command. My right hand which means Mightily, You are an eternal being who will protect, nourish, satisfies everyone in Our Kingdom, what is Mine is also Yours and you will rule and make sure everyone knows our commandment and be enforcer of the Law because you are the Law. Those who oppose our Laws will sin against the kingdom of God their Father and will be sent to darkness until they repent. You will be mediator and Ambassador speaking on behalf of God Almighty; You will be God of gods and Lord of lords. (Satan stole the Adonai title by using the name Baal it means the same but with him replacing as the true and only god he wants humans to believe)
Wisdom looked at her first born Son Jesus/ Yeshua and she was pleased, she said to Him: You are perfect in all your ways; whatever you are going to plan or do will be successful. I bestow all my power of wisdom onto you and she blessed Him forever. You will become the hook of everything and everyone and they will cling onto you, and You will be the iron spear and sword that will destroy everything and everyone who oppose you from within their midst's.
Then the Holy Spirit came to bless Jesus, He said: You are a perfect depiction of your Father, and I am pleased with you, I bless you with all My powers and secrets, you would be the ruler of darkness and ruler of light because I will live within you forever, and I guide you through all your ways. You will be the Messiah the leader of all and they will call you Emanuel because they will say God will always be with us. With patience you will endure and wait until it is Your time to rule even if you have to suffer the consequences of your determination.
When Moses was on Mount Sinai God gave him the table of the ten Laws, because Jesus is the Law, Jesus was the God of Israel. This is the reason why Jesus/Yeshua became the God of Trinity and why He said to Moses I AM WHO I AM, and MY NAME IS - YHVH = THE ---Y=YUD-- represents the HOLY SPIRIT Who gave His Power to Jesus/Yeshua the power of darkness and light, the breath of all living, the atom of everything around us, the wind and the fire and water which can bring destruction with a single thought to those who blasphemy His Name. And THE ---H=HEI –is used because it represents His Father = GOD ALMIGHTY who gave His powers to Jesus/Yeshua and with the power over darkness and light, to create life and to rule over whatever He created, who has the power to destruct those who oppose Him but who is God which means love, respect, patience, determination and knowledge. THE ---V=VAV--- represents His caring mother WISDOM who gave Jesus/Yeshua the power of wisdom and keeping everything intact the hook of salvation and the iron spear of destruction, and THE second ---H=HEI --- represents Himself Jesus/Yeshua with the power of the Word He became the Law. With all these entire Powers combined He is the perfect God the one and only God who died for your sins to save your soul who can oppose Him? Can we change this Devine Name? If you want to do it, it is all on you I know what is coming to those who blasphemy God by giving Him a name, and also in the mean time helping Satan with his evil plans to destroy the Name of God, and changing all the scriptures by putting his own name above God's.
The conqueror Who will bring freedom to all nations with the cross and nail, through His hands. With the cross He created a traverse between heaven and earth, a pathway between you and Him to cross over into the freedom which you are entitled to. Because humans were not created to be slaves or servants, they were created to be the rulers of the earth. With the nail through His hands Jesus/Yeshua was nailed to your heart He wants to establish His kingdom within you to give you the opportunity to make Him your brother, because with Him by your side nothing will be impossible for you. But you have to make the choice He cannot do it for you.
For Jesus it wasn't all just work and no play His Father gave Him the word to create, what He saw the Father did, so did He do as well. He created a throne for Himself a kingdom; after all He was successor to His Father throne and need to get some experience from somewhere. With His right hand He spanned His kingdom, our whole realm is within His domain and in the centre of it will He remain. His Fathers Kingdom is beyond our realm on the other side of the Universe. Since all the stars had Names He called His star the bright Morning star, because He is the prince of light, the first born of many brethren and His star is the biggest of all the stars.
SpiritualSurely everyone who believes in God wants to believe that their God is the true and the only God out there. Some believe that no-God exists but that Something Supernatural has happened and keeping everything intact. As sure as I stand on this ground...