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Two days after moving into the farm, I am hating it, my rooms boring and mums acting weird, she's been smothering dad and injecting him with morpheme even though I know it's now and she's made both me and dad miss Hollys funeral. Sometimes I wish Auntie Moria was my mum because she's not crazy, she doesn't try to control every single thing I do where as mum does but she's not stopping me from going out today, me, Jacob, Gabby and Liv have planned a day out, we've been planning it since we went back to school in September.

I got out of my rather uncomfortable bed before grabbing my outfit from my wardrobe before opening my cupboard from my room and choose my deodorant and my wild berry body spray. I had everything ready and was soon ready to get dressed.

I first put my underwear on and grab my Hollister Printed Lace-Trim Skater Dress, it has a lace up front aswell as thin straps and lace back. I add my simple black leggings my black ankle socks with my black Chelsea Boots. I loved this outfit, I never usually would say I love an outfit but she his is a different situation because I do actually love it.

I grab my back beanie with a bobble on the top and slip it on my now brushed hair and then fling in on my grey trench coat before finally picking up my Michael Kors Collection Skorpios Leather Hobo Bag.

I grab my back beanie with a bobble on the top and slip it on my now brushed hair and then fling in on my grey trench coat before finally picking up my Michael Kors Collection Skorpios Leather Hobo Bag

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I looked around for my phone and frowned when I couldn't find it. It was on my bedside table when I went to bed last night so where is it now. After looking around my room I ended not finding it I go down stairs where mum was "mum have you seen my phone?" I ask folding my arms waiting for her to tell me if she had seen it or not.

"Why do you need it, your not going anywhere" mum asks me making me look at her in shock. I'm 16 and she thinks she can control everything that I do and it's not fair. I'm fed up of being treated like a baby by her.

"I'm going out! Im going to meet my friends and nothing's going to change that we've been planning this meet up for ages so I'm going with or without my phone" I shout before opening the door and slamming the door shut as I start to walk to the Woolpack where I was meeting Liv and Gabby and then we were going to davids to meet Jacob.

"Camilla Barton!" I hear mum shout but I just ignore her as I began and leave the farm and walk away. I was so annoyed, maybe she's probably ill again or maybe she's just being a bitch. It's like she's been keeping dad hostage and now wants to do the same to me but im not going to let her, I'm not going to let my own mum become controlling.

After a time I walked to the woolpack and sat outside, I had to think for a moment "you could have came in you know" I hear Liv speak from behind me before I turn around "I know, I was just thinking" I admit to my best friend "cammy you I'm here if you need to talk" Liv smiles as she comes over and wraps her arms around me giving me a big bear hug.

The hug felt different, it doesn't feel like what it does with any of my other friends or like it does with Lachlan or Jacob, i don't know what it is but it feels different. Me and Jacob have been best of friends for as long as I can remember and our hugs always cheer me up and obviously me and Lachlan hug all the time since we're together and all.

"I know liv, I just don't even know right now" I say with a giggle since I didn't even know what I was thinking about "it's alright now shall we get going? Gabby can't make it, she's grounded" Liv tells me and I nod "let's goooooo" I say dragging the o in go out making Liv laugh as we head to davids to meet Jacob

"Guess who" I giggle as I put my hands over Jacobs eyes "well it can't be Camilla because she's never normally this energetic in the morning" Jacob jokes before he pauses "it's got to be Liv" he ends and I role my eyes "well jakey boy your wrong their" I say turning him around "and who said I never energetic in the mornings?" I ask smirking since I knew it was true

"You know sometimes I hate you" I joke with Jacob as we head to the bus stop "sometimes I wonder why I'm friends with you two" Liv laughs and I punch her lightly on the arm "you know you love us really" I smile putting my arm around her while we're at the stop "of course I love you, your my best friends ever" Liv smiled

We got on the bus paying four pound once we were on the bus we took a seat "how's things at home?" Jacob asks me and I shrug "same old, same old" I say with a smile before trying to make out everything was fine and that nothing was going on.

We go around town and just generally have fun before we go to the cinema where we were going to watch Alice through the looking glass since we all loved Alice in wonderland and we just wanted to watch the sequel because who wouldn't. After the film we got the bus home and went out separate ways, but little did I know everything would change in the next few days.

Once I was home I decided to get into my pyjamas which were a pair of grey pair of long bottoms with dragonflies on them with a grey top which says 'every cloud has a silver lining' in a silvery colour before putting my dressing gown on and my bear socks.

Once I was home I decided to get into my pyjamas which were a pair of grey pair of long bottoms with dragonflies on them with a grey top which says 'every cloud has a silver lining' in a silvery colour before putting my dressing gown on and my bea...

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I had my pink teddy from when I was younger sat on my bed before I was too tired to stay awake any longer and I instantly fell asleep


Who liked this because in my opinion I think it was rubbish but I hope you liked

Bye for now

Jess x

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