Chapter 12

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I was more irritated than surprised to see him there. I wanted some free time with myself but then here he was, invading my free time. My "kind" nature did not allow me to shove him away rudely so instead, I went with the flow.
"Nice to me meet you again."
"Same here." I said,smilling.
"Can I?" He asked,pointing towards a chair.
"Yeah sure." I said.
"This world's a small place,right?"
"True." I replied.
" you live around here?" He asked.
"Yup. I live down the road."
"Oh great. This must be your chilling place?"
"Yeah,kind of." I said,drawing a smile on my face.
An uncomfortable silence followed after that. I decided to retreat back to my book.
"So..." he said sudddenly,hesitating a bit.
"Did you consider my offer?"
His job offer.
I had completely forgotten about that.
"Ah..I already said you my decision."
"Ya of course! I just thought of asking you again.
"I'm sorry."
"Oh please. Its absolutely  fine. By the way, did you get any other job?"
"No..not yet."
"Oh. Hope you get one soon." He wished me.
There was a small silence between us.
"So..I think I should get going now.Nice to meet you" He said,standing up.
"Nice to meet you too." I said.
I watched him turn and walk towards the door. Suddenly a thought hit me.
I didnt have a job. I have to take care of gigi and me. Why was I then refusing a job offer?
"Wait!" I shouted. Every head turned towards me. Ignoring them I walked towards him. He was looking at me,surprise painted on his face.
"I'll take the offer."
I could see his face lighting up.
"Great! I'll message you the time of the interview. Its tomorrow."
I gave him my phone number and went back home. I may not have a way to achieve my goal yet but I'll find one soon. Right now I'll have to think about a way of income first.

It was 7 AM when my alarm broke my sleep. It was the day of my interview. The day before Charlie had called me and informed that the interview was scheduled at 8:30AM.
Getting down from my bed, I wished my day to be a good one. After freshening up and getting dressed, I looked at myself in the mirror. I had worn the same pencil skirt and shirt from my interview for the Grey Company. Remembering the day of my interview,I felt a pang of pain.
I checked myself for the last time in the mirror and headed out.

"Hey you are right on time."
I had called Charlie after reaching the building of the Fester Companies-the company where Charlie worked and I was going for interview. I had googled about them and was surprised to find that they were at rank two in the race of the most succesful companies. Number one was occupied by my former company.
Charlie took me inside the building. It too had expensive furnishing but had a rustic look to it. He lead me to a room and knocked.
"Best of luck." He wispered.
I was about to thank him when a voice from inside the room interrupted me.
"Come in."
Both of us went inside. There was a man sitting on his chair, rumagging through some papers. I took my time to drink his appearance. He had broad shoulders and maybe was quite tall. He had sun kissed hair which made his appearance quite warm. He had a frown on his face while looking through the papers.
"Sir, this is Sara.The girl I told you about."
He lifted his head up. Our eyes locked. We both had coffee coloured eyes. I could see his tight lips turning into a broad,welcoming smile. I could not help but smile back at him.
"Ya I remember." He replied Charlie. His voice was very friendly. Everything about him was very warm and welcoming and remided me of the old summer days.
"Please sit down." He said.
"Thank you." I said and took a seat down.
Charlie left us shortly.
"How're you doing miss..? "
"Meyer. Sara Meyer." I completed the sentence for him.
"Sara. You've got a lovely name." He said,his voice lyrical.
"Thank you." I said as politely as possible.
"Would you like to have a cup of coffee?" He asked.
"No thanks."
"So..tell me about you."
"Sir, I've graduated from St Marry's college. I have a degree in-"
"Oh please cut the crap." He said with a wave of his hand. "Tell me something about you. Your likes,dislikes,family."He said in his flirty voice.
Now he really was confusing me.And a confused Sara is an irritated Sara.
"Um. I thought I was here to interview for your PA's post and not to narrate about my likes and dislikes." I said,a slight sense of irritation audible in my voice.
"Oh dont worry about the job. You've already got it."

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