Chapter 14

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"I knew the job will be your's." Charlie's happy voice greeted me on the first day of my new job. We were in his cabin.
It was much smaller than the cabin I was interviewed the day before. But it was still better than any other offices I had gone.

"Oh really?" I asked,chuckling.
"Yeah! Something in you was screaming out to me that you were perfect for this job."
"Oh stop it Charlie." I said rolling my eyes, following a small laugh.
"Now give me my job's detail fast. I dont wanna be late on my first day."

My new job was pretty much the same as my previous one.
Stick with your boss the entire time and look after his needs.
I know this kind of job is not upto my standard but I'll have to live with it before I get a better one.
After Charlie gave me the 'details' of my job I headed to my boss's cabin. I was a bit hesitant to knock, remembering the previous day's conversation in the room. Maybe I had said more than needed. I immediately pushed the thought aside.

I cannot  put my self respect on stake just for a stupid job.

With a new breath of confidence I knocked on the door.
"Come in" said the same deep voice.
Walking inside the room I found my boss,Damion, engaged in his phone and with head phones on his ears. I was a bit startled. No one expects to walk into his boss's cabin and find him listening music instead of working seriously with a frown on his face. For a split second,my mind remembered the first time I walked into Edward's cabin.

Agh. Dont ruin your day by thinking about him.

"Eh-excuse me sir?" I said,finding my voice. He lifted his eyes on me. Those eyes. They were so different from the cold blue ones. These were warm and welcoming.

"Good morning Sara!" He said,with a big charming smile on his face .

"Good morning." I said trying to match his enthusiastic smile.

"Welcome to the first day of your job." He lifted the head phones from his cabin and kept it on the table.

"Thanks." I managed to say. I was glad that he did not seem affected by our previous day's conversation.

"You have your own working place right over there." He said ponting towards the other corner of the room. There was a chair with a huge table in front of it. A laptop sat on the table accompanied with a pile of neatly arranged files.

"I'm sorry that you'll have to tolerate me for the whole day." He said with a teasing smile.

"I dont mind. Afterall,its my job." I moved towards my part of the room and kept my bag over the table.

"Best of luck." He wished.


I checked the watch. 2:15 PM. Luch break had started 15 minutes earlier but I still had a lot of works to complete. Damion had been busy with some paper works the whole day. He was out most of the time but didnt allow me to go with him. It was weird considering thats what my job was. To stick around him.

Suddenly, I heard the door opening and Damion walking inside,loosening his tie. I could not stop but notice how good looking he was.

"Hey. You' re still working?" He asked,remembering my presence in the room.

"Um..ya.Still have a lot of work to do." I said, focusing my eyes back to the screen of the laptop.

"Wont you eat? Lunch break'll be over in a while." He said checking his watch.

"Agh..yeah..just a few more minutes."

"Oh c'mon Sara" He walked towards me and closed the laptop shut. I would have been irritated but looking at the concerned expression on his face, I had to dissolve my irritation.

"Sir.." I tried to protest.

"Shh. Dont argue. I'm your boss. Come, we'll eat together."

I was taken aback.
"Together?" I asked.

"Yeah. Any problem?" He said with an innocent look in his eyes.

"Um. No."

"Then come on." He grabbed my hand and pull me towards the sofa set kept in the room.

"C'mon take your lunch out. Dont be selfish." He rubbed his hands and winked at me. I could not help but laugh.
I took my lunch out, kept it on the table and waited for him to take his out.

"What? I know I have killer looks but you should not stare at me."

"You dont have your lunch with you?"

" I usually dont eat during luch breaks. No time,you see." He said with a half smile.

"Oh." Was all I could say.

" Now let me eat." He said mockingly.

We ate from my tiffin. He could not stop praising Gigi for the delicious food. We were talking and laughing when time flew by and we had to retreat back to our works. I was surprised to find myself enjoying with him. Maybe, It' ll be far better working here than with..Edward.

Hey guys! Sorry for late updates. Have been a bit busy. Hope you're enjoying the story this far. Plz plz dont forget to atleast vote if you're reading this.

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