Chapter 1: Ms. Collins

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Beep beep beep

That annoying sound of my damn alarm clock. I turn over and knock it off the table, smiling victoriously, I turn back over and try to get some more sleep.

I never can.

My older brother, Shane, comes running into my room, yelling, "Wake up! It's your last first day of high school!" And with that said, he yanks the blanket right off of me.

Ugh, why can't I sleep forever?

I start kicking my legs in attempt to make myself not an asshole this morning.

Shane starts laughing and walks out the room before yelling, "You got five minutes! Or I'll bring water!"


I jump out of bed and rush to the bathroom. I strip down and get in, washing my body and hair, before stepping out and drying off.

My basic routine in the morning is simple; try to sleep as much ad I can before having my brother yell at me.

Well, it didn't work this morning. Damn it. I rush to my room and find some clothes to wear.

Black skinny jeans, an over-size T-shirt and some high tops. I put my hair in a bun and look in the mirror.

Damn it, I look hot.

I smile and walk out my room. I can smell food being made in the kitchen, so I slide down the stairs railing and practically run into the kitchen, where I see my brother cooking. I smile and walk over to him and hug him.

He smiles, "about time lazy ass." I smile back, "yeah yeah, just be happy I decided to get up at all."

I am so not morning person. Or an afternoon person. Hell, I don't think I'm a night person neither. I love to sleep.

I pour me some orange juice before sitting at the table.

Me and my brother lives with our grandparents. We have been ever since we were little. Our parents got a divorce and they did not want to share us, because that meant having to see each other. I don't blame them, because my parents cannot get along. Plus, me and Shane both agreed to stay with our grandparents anyways. They spoil us!

I watch as Shane cooks breakfast and I start to think about what could all happen today. I was so not in the mood for anybody to try me, because I will knock their lights out.

I hate to admit it, but I am a fighter. I never was before someone started bullying me. I could not stand somebody messing with me, and ever since I found out that I could damage someone's face, let's just say I took advantage of it.

I stared down at my knuckles, seeing the few little faded scars on it. I had a terrible junior year. I couldn't stop fighting everyone that got on my nerves.

Especially my ex. God.

My ex, Sasha. The most irritating bitch to ever walk this earth. I have fought her countless times, but for some reason, she will not get the message! She will not leave me alone, she keeps telling me, "its fate" bullshit. The only fate I believe in is graduating and getting the hell away from here.

I must of been daydreaming pretty hard, because I didn't see Shane place the plate of food in front of me. I ignored my thoughts and began eating.

The ride to school wasn't terrible. Shane drove because he wanted to be the "adult" figure in our relationship. Whatever. I didn't need an adult figure in my life. I'm capable of tending to myself.

As soon as he parked, he grabbed my arm and looked at me, "baby sis, I don't want to have to come get you today because you got in a fight. Understand?" I rolled my eyes but nodded. He thinks I'll get in a fight on the first day. As long as nobody fucks with me.

Forgive me, Miss Collins (TeacherxStudent) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now