Glad I was there

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#3 Glad I was there

Jack's POV

"Hey Jack, my old friend Jacob from my childhood just invited me to dinner and said that I can bring someone. So, will you come with me?" Lula asks.

"U-um yeah. Sure. When?"

"Tonight. At 6. It's 4:30 right now, so I'm going to start getting ready, because it's about a 45 minute drive so we need to get going soon." I nod and she walks out of the kitchen.

I can't tell if I feel comfortable or not going to this 'Jacob's' house. I'm not one to get jealous, but Lula is different. I see a future with her, unlike any of the other girls. I'm truly in love with her.

I walk down the hallway to mine and Lula's bedroom and get a new shirt from the closet, that Lula has done nothing but take over with all of her cloths. After I change my cloths I walk into the bathroom where Lula is doing her makeup. I lean against the doorway, and watch her. Gosh, she is so beautiful.

After she finishes, I grab my leather jacket and put it on, then I grab Lula's coat and put it on her. The drive there is silent. My right hand is rested on Lula's thigh, and my left hand is on the steering wheel.

When we get to the house, I get out of the car and run around to the passenger side and open Lula's door. I grab her hand and help her out of the car. I let go of her hand, and place it on the small of her back. I knock on the door, and a tall, nice looking man opens the door. Lula walks out of my grasp and hugs him.

"Jacob. Oh my gosh, I missed you so much." She opens her arms and hugs him. I feel a pang of jealousy in my chest, but choose to ignore it.

She wouldn't leave me for someone like me would she?



"Jacob, this is my boyfriend Jack. Jack this is my childhood friend Jacob." Lula says. I lift my hand to shake his, but he just turns to Lula and invites us in.

During dinner, I sit silently, while Lula and Jacob talk, and talk, and talk, and talk. It's been about 2 hours, and I have barely been talked to, or talked. They seem to be really close, and I am becoming worried.

"Lula, we should probably go don't you think. Danny is going to be mad if we are back to late." I say.

"No Lula stay." Jacob pleads, "maybe he can go home, and take care of this Danny person, and you and I can go and get a drink or something."

"No I don't think that is a good-" I look at Lula, and she gives me a look a 5 year old would give you to get what they want. "Fine. I'll pick you up in an hour okay?"

"Thank you Jack. I'll see you later." Lula says.

"Yeah." I mumble to myself, and then I walk out.

I get in the car and drive to the end of the street and park. I don't want to seem like an overprotective boyfriend, but something seems off about this Jacob guy, so I'm going to the bar too. I pull out my phone and pretend to be talking to someone, while they drive past me. Another car comes soon after them, and I go behind that one.

By the time I get to the bar, I can tell that Jacob is drunk. And really drunk. Lula isn't though. I can tell when she is, and by the looks of it she has had nothing to drink.

I stand in the corner and watch them. It's been about 45 minutes and he hasn't done anything that made me too angry. That is until I hear a scream. I look over and see him try to get into her pants. Lula tries to push him off, but he pushes her against the wall, grabbing her butt and kissing her. I get up from the chair I was sitting in and run over to them. I grab Jacob by the shoulders and forcefully turn him around, connecting my fist with his face multiple times. I give a blow to his gut, and watch him fall to the floor. Lula runs over to me and wraps her arms around me.

"I'm so sorry Jack." She cries.

"It's okay, I'm here. I love you." 

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