Chapter One - Flying to the UK from the US to meet 1D

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Hey everyone!! this is my first chapter of this story which I think you will enjoy. Happy Reading and don't forget to comment, rate, fan, and vote!! :)

Well, the day has finally arrived for a girl by the name of Sami, to travel by flight to meet One Direction in the United Kingdom. Sami is busy right now getting her clothes packed and she has gotten her makeup on and is ready to leave for the GSP Airport. Her parents are driving her to the airport since their daughter is 17 and has not taken her driving test yet.  When Sami and her parents get to the airport, both her Mom and Dad tell their daughter to have a lot of fun and stay out of trouble and Sami reassures them that she will.

“Bye, Mommy,” Sami said. Then she called to her dad, “Bye, Papa. I will miss both of you. But, I will take pictures of my trip to the United Kingdom.” Both of her parents say “Bye,” at the same time. Now, Sami heads into the airport with one last wave to her parents who love her very much.

It has been an hour since Sami said “Goodbye” to her parents and now she is on the plane that will take her to the United Kingdom to see one of her most favorite boy bands in the whole world which is One Direction. Sami remembers that she has her cell phone and dials Liam Payne’s number that he gave to her one year ago. Liam picks up the phone and says a cheery “Hello, girl,” to the girl that He gave his number to.  “How are you, Liam?” Sami asks. Liam responds to Sami by saying, “I’m doing fine and you?” “I’m doing great, Liam. Thanks for asking,” Sami said. “Not a problem, girl,” Liam said as a response to Sami. “So, Liam, how have things been going for One Direction so far?” Sami asked. Liam laughs and says, “Well, we are going on tour while you are here in the United Kingdom and we thought that we could bring you along with us. Does that sound good to you?”

Sami responds with, “Liam, that sounds great!! Thanks for asking me.” Liam says, “We would do anything for a girl that is a fan of 1D and we thought that out of all the girls that are fans of us, we chose you.” “Awww, that is too sweet. But, Liam, why me?” Sami said. “Well, because it was me that you ran into and I was the first one that you talked to, so you obviously picked me out of the other four boys. I take that as a sign that you might have a crush on me, which I think is cute, if you ask me,” said Liam.

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