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"I don't know what happened. I heard subject V199530 had a freak out. He broke out of his restraints and almost escaped." One of the nurses said to the small crowd of nurses crowding around her wanting to hear the scoop.

They all broke out into murmurs spreading the rumors asking if anyone was there to confirm and what we would be assigned to do next.Many nurses complained about coming down here to the basement level, and I am no exception. I was new, I didn't know the reputation, and I needed money fast.

The basement level isn't something for the light hearted. It's filled with the strangest of the strange. Most of the subjects held in the basement level don't have all their screws with them. With the strangest subjects we have the strongest nurses to look after them. I was assigned to the basement level, but thankfully have never been forced to be put up with one of the subjects. My job is just mainly laundry girl and clean up. Never have I crossed paths with one of the subjects, and I hope I never will.

"Ladies! Stop this nonsense. You will all be assigned to a subject for the time being. You are to be in their rooms and watch them. Mrs. Xenya has informed me that we are not ok. Subject S199309 has attacked a guest. All of our subjects are to be watched for any indication of backtrack, and all nurses are to be on high alert. We are to keep as little contact with the subject, if any. Any questions?" Our head nurse asked while scowling into every nurse's eyes daring them to ask her a question.

"Alright since there will be none I will go ahead and start assigning you to your subjects-" The head nurse started to name the nurses and their subjects, and I started to zone out.

What must have happened? I heard of subject V199530, but never have come close to his room. All nurses are to stay well away from that corridor, and I'm in no position to lose my job or my mind. I've heard of many nurses quitting after being assigned to subject V199530's room for personal reasons.

"Nurse Lauren assigned to subject J199513. Nurs-" I heard head nurse call my name, and instantly my heart dropped.

I didn't expect to be assigned to anyone. I am still new. I was hired a week ago, and still don't know my way around the basement level, yet they are ok with putting me in a room all alone with one of the subjects. I can't.

I waited for head nurse to finish assigning nurses. She then excused us, but I needed a way out. I don't trust myself in a room with any of the subjects in the basement level.

"Head nurse, I can't possibly be assigned to someone. I've only been here for a week-" I started but quickly was cut off by her.

"Yes and i've been here for five years, and guess who they gave me on the first day someone long gone and so much worse than who I have assigned to you. So if you will please leave me be and rush on over to your assigned subject."

I numbly nodded my head while averting my eyes to the ground feeling like the smallest rock in the world.

So I walked to where subject J199513 was being contained. I stood in front of the door and just stared at the number hanging mockingly on the face of the door. I felt a chill run down my back. I would be lying if I wasn't afraid. From all of the stories I've heard from the subjects from the basement. I was terrified.

Finally, I found the strength inside of me to push the door open. The temperature in the room seemed to drop with my heart. Kneeling in the center of the room was, what I assumed to be, subject J199513. His head was facing the floor unmoving even with the sounds of my foot steps bouncing off the walls. I tried to not look at it, and make my way to the chair beside the door just incase I had any reason to run out.

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