Chapter 1: Feeling lonely

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P.o.v Princess Twilight

I am sitting in my chair beside the magic table, since I didn't had anything to do. Suddenly the cutie mark of Applejack and Rarity were marking Manehattan, I am happy for them but still sad cuz I wanted something to do. After a few minutes the door open and the voices of the couple started to sound.

"Hey darling!" The voice of Rarity was hear while walking toward the table and taking her place in the chair.

"Hey sugarcube" Applejack's voice was hear too while sitting in hers.

"Hey girls" I say without much excitement.

They started to talk about the mission and how exiting it would be to go together. Rarity was more exited cuz it was in Manehattan and a lot more. I kinda envy them, they both are together for almost 3 years already looking beautiful together, not just them only ones together, Diamond Tiara and Applebloom are one, at first no one believe it since they hated each other,but in the end it was true. Spike was with Ember, so he wasn't that much with me, Fluttershy was with Pinkie and Rainbow dash with Soarin. A tear escape my eye and started to leave a wet trace until it feel to the floor remembering how lonely I am in this big castle.

"Sweetheart what is wrong?" The sweet sound of Rarity's voice took me out of my thoughts.

Just to realize my cheeks were wet "There.. there is nothing wrong" I totally lie, but I couldn't tell them the true, at least not yet.

"Are ya' sur', sugarcube? You don't look so fine to me" I hear Applejack ask.

"Yeah I am, I have to go" the sound of my voice started to broke, before they could ask I stood and started walking out of the room,when I was close to the door, looking behind me just to see a how worried they were, making a side smile I left the room. Starting to walk down the hall toward my room just watching how big it was 'This castle is so huge just for me' I say in my mind letting out a big sigh and opening my bedroom's door. Entering it and trowing myself on the bed,while closing my eyes, my chest started to hurt, and my vision blurring, a tear went down my cheek leaving a cold trace. Suddenly one of the books on the bookshelf started to glow and vibrate, I stayed looking at it for a while and then decided to take it with my magic, remembering the book by it's front wich it had Celestia's cutie mark 'This is the one I use to communicate with Sunset' we haven't talk in a year, putting it in front of me and opening to see what it was.

*Sunset message*

Hey Twilight, I know we haven't talk for a while and I'm sorry. I have been wanting to talk to you but work and studies have me busy, and is hard to have free time.

Anyways I wanted to tell you that Pinkie was going to have a party for Rarity and Applejack's third year together. The girls miss you and me too a lot.

Will you come? It will be in Sugar cube corner at 3pm, on monday.

Well hope you come bye♡.

*end of message*

Without noticing a stupid smile appear on my face, and my heart started to race, with my magic I took a feather pen that was laying on top of the night table beside the bed, and started to write.

*Twilight' message*

Hello Sunset, don't worry I have been busy with a lots of duties too, I try to message you too but something always came up and I had to leave it.

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