Domestic David

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Simon kept huffing as he walked with David, angrily stuffing his phone into his hoodie pocket. He'd gotten into another fight with his mom, about what had been happening at school, and walked out. Luckily, David had been in the area, and had gotten to Simon before he'd hurt himself or something.
"Relax, Simon, it's fine." David says nonchalantly, fishing around in his jeans for his lighter. Simon shoots him an angry glance, before returning his gaze to the floor. "Listen man, I don't know what happened, but-" Simon's annoyed sigh cut him off, he grabbed a cigarette out of David's pack and lit it with the one David had in his mouth before taking a drag. "Don't worry about it." David said again, squeezing Simon's shoulder reassuringly. "I used to get into fights with my parents all the time, when..." He cut himself off. No good talking about it, he wanted to lighten the mood, after all. David steered Simon down an alley, making the younger man exclaim angrily.
"David what the fuck? I thought we were going to the park?" At this, David smirks,
"I never once said that, you were just assuming things, Simon." He blows the smoke into Simon's face, making him huff again. "And besides, I was thinking a change of scenery might do you some good. It's getting cold out, now." Simon scoffs,
"Gee, sorry I couldn't choose a better time to get into an argument." David chuckles, but says nothing. They walk in a somewhat comfortable silence, until David stops them.
"Take a left."
"Where the fuck are we going?!"

Simon suddenly felt nervous, walking through the worse parts of town made him feel uncomfortable, even with his switchblade on him. It's not he didn't trust David, but his paranoia was kicking in. David keeps a hand on Simon's arm, steering him in the right direction down countless streets. He knows Simon didn't walk down this way, and wanted to reassure him, though he didn't quite know how to go about that.
"Just a little further." David says, mostly to himself now that Simon was fiddling with his cigarette, watching it burn out rather than smoking it. David takes note of Simon's tense and grumpy attitude, and clears his throat awkwardly. "Well, uh. Here we are." He mumbles, looking down at the floor. They stood outside an old apartment block, Simon looking from the building to David almost expectantly.
"And this is?" David shifted from foot to foot, clearly nervous.
"My place?" He mumbles out, having to clear his throat midway through. It wasn't a lie that his home was just as bad on the inside as the countless cigarettes stubbed around the front, as well as the dozen or so glass bottles. He wasn't proud of it, but it was home nonetheless. "Come on, let's go up. Freezin' my ass off out here." Again, he was talking mostly to himself, slightly embarrassed about his state of living. Simon's house was so nice, a rich neighborhood and clean area. The comparison was laughable, but Simon wasn't laughing. He nodded, pulling open the door an heading inside. David sighed, shoulders relaxing, he was reassured. He knew it wasn't the best area, he didn't have the best home, but he was working almost constantly now, saving money instead of spending it on the house, hoping he could move all together. He was getting his life together slowly, and that's all that mattered, right?

He follows Simon up the stairs, seemingly conscious about everything now. The stairwell smelt bad, the lights were dull, the elevator didn't work. Countless flaws weighed David's mind. Had it always been this bad? He supposed he never paid attention, between moving off the streets into Rehab, then back to a place of his own, and the many nights he stumbled in at 5am tired out of his mind from work, he never really noticed. He stops Simon when they reach the third floor, ushering him to the second door on the right and fishing for his key. "It's no paradise, but uh," he licks his lips nervously, struggling to fit his key in the lock. Whether it be because of his shaking hands, or the crummy locks, he wasn't really sure. "You can come here any time you need a place to stay." The door swings open, and Simon walks in silently. "If you want..." David mumbles quietly, shutting the door behind him and awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. Simon observes the room, since it's more of an open plan thing, with a bathroom off to the side. Small kitchen, a bed. He spots an ashtray and puts out his abandoned cigarette, seeing countless stumps already lying there. "Sorry, I uh, I haven't cleaned. I usually just come in from work and pass out so-" David nearly jumps as Simon talks calmly echoing David's earlier words,
"Relax, David, it's fine. Don't worry about it." David nods, pursing his lips.

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