Requested prompts bundle 1 - "I feel like I can't breathe"

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Shaking breaths, in, out, in, out. No. No no no. Please, no. Not again.

Hot tears drop down her cheeks, face flushed red as she struggles. Why this? Why now?


She quickens her steps as best she can, every fibre of her being shuddering with the swell of a demon in her throat. She can't let them see, no, they'd laugh more. Bear their teeth in cruel grins of satisfaction at their works result. Her mind is preoccupied with panic, and she stumbles over a foot, sending her spiralling down as their barking laughter imprinted on her brain.

"Aw, little baby, what's the matter? Gonna go running to your church? Asking god to smite us down?" A cruel sneer grips her, and she shudders at the blasphemy. She chooses to say nothing, though she couldn't regardless, her threat closing up with anxiety. She almost doesn't register it at first, but suddenly, her clothes are sticking to her, and her hair was wet. The sickening smell of some energy drink clinging to her, dripping into her eyes.
The group laugh, or cackle, it seems. Happy with their work, they retreat, and she simply whimpers. She didn't know them, but there's so many people in the school anyways, none of which she wants to talk to, all too loud, too obnoxious. She dislikes her prejudice of them, but they seemed to have no problems returning the favour.

Does she even have a mouth? Or does she just not like to talk?

She wipes her nose on her sleeve, lips trembling. Home. Yes, she needed... Home. She stumbles back, stepping on the can that helped the assault. Her chest was pulsating with heavy breaths and a thumping heart, and she just needs to make it home. Take a right, then across the street... She steps forward, hood up so everyone can't see her weakness. She jumps as a horn blares into her ear, and a car stops just inches from her. An angry voice mixes in with the noise in her head and she just runs, no oxygen left in her lungs.

All your fault, you're a stupid girl. This wouldn't have happened if you let Simon walk you home. You let yourself get hurt and you upset him too. Stupid girl.

A sob escapes her lips as her trembling hands try to force the key into the lock. When it fits, she forces the door open, steps in and slams it behind her. A hand instinctively clutches the cross at her neck, under her hoodie. Her grip causing it to leave dents in her palms. Her mind is so blank in panic, that in the frenzy to escape to her room, she slams hard into a figure, sending herself - once again - sprawling to the ground.

"Sophie?!" She covers her head with her arms instinctively, and it's almost like she's choking. "What's the matter?! Please, Sophie, speak to me!"

He's no better. A walking sin. Repentance won't save his soul, he's forever damned.

Sophie wailed, floods of tears down her cheeks and soaking her hoodie. David pushes her so she's slumped against the wall, and finds her eyes.
"I... I-I feel like I can't breathe." She stutters, and David's eyes widen, seeing the state she was in. He kneels in front of her, not too close, but still near enough to touch.
"Soph, please, look at me. That's good, okay." Her eyes locked on his, emerald green and doe-like with fear made him recoil slightly, but still he continued. "I'm not going to touch you unless you want me to. Don't speak, just, nod or shake your head. You with me?" A single bob of her head gives him his answer, and he swallows thickly. "Okay. I want you to take a deep breath, yeah? Count with me." Her voice catches on a violent sob, and her head shakes incapably. "You can do this. I promise, you're okay, it's okay." He raises both hands, displaying only a single finger. "Deep breath now."

Her eyes are pooled with tears, and her chest is on fire, but she takes in a shaking breath, focusing on her brothers eyes and movements.
"...One..." her voice is foreign, alien. It's hoarse and practically inaudible, but he hears it nonetheless.
"Good job Sophie, I'm proud of you, now c'mon, again."
Her lips curl into the slightest trace of a smile, but then her chest is heaving again, and she has to focus.
David lifts another finger, and waits patiently, giving her an encouraging grin, worry evident in his eyes.
She focuses on him, eager for a distraction. He nods, unbrushed red hair flopping into his eyes but he makes no move to move it away. She looks into his eyes, green, no red. Yes, she's happy, somewhere in that swell of emotions like a hurricane in her chest.
She's counting with him now, and it all seems so stupid, but it works, and she's happy.
"Five..." Its getting easier, the knot in her body loosening, the tension coming with it, and her shoulders are slumping.
"Well done, Soph. You got this."

"Ten." She's smiling at him, and he's smiling back, and suddenly, she's lurching forward, hugging him close. "Thank you, David." He's surprised at first, but he chuckles, his chest reverberating. He pats her shoulder.
"It's what's family's for, Soph. Now, stay here." Sophie pulls away, confusion on her face, but she leans back against the wall, and David stands. He notes the expression in her eyes, and explains. "I'll only be gone a minute."
When David leaves, Sophie let's herself rest, feeling how easy breathing comes, and relief washes over her. She's okay now.

The crunch of plastic stirs her from her thoughts, and she opens her eyes to see a waterbottle being held in front of her face. She takes it gratefully, hearing David speak. "Don't forget to drink it slowly, I don't want you throwing up on me." He laughs, watching her take small sips, and holds out his hand. "Here, I know you get headaches after you cry." She take the painkiller apprehensively, swallowing it down with the cool water. David slings an arm over her shoulders, and they sit there in silence for a few moments. "This could all get sorted, you know? We could tell someone, tell the school." Her body freezes, and her grip tightens on the bottle.
"N-no. I don't want to, they'd make it worse, I... I have faith it'll get better." David suppresses a sigh, nodding sadly.
"Alright, Soph. If you insist." He squeezes her shoulder gently, standing once more.
They lapse back into quietness.
"You're not... High are you?" It was his turn to freeze up, and he shifts uncomfortably.
"No, Soph. I'm not. Why-"
"So... it's worked? I've been praying... David, you can help me, I've been trying to help you back. I really care about you and..." her voice cuts, and she breathes in a shuddering motion once more.
"I'll cut down for you, Sophie. I promise. I can't say it'll stop all together, it just doesn't work that easily, but... I'll try, for you."
Sophie embraces her brother once more, and thanks him with a quiet whisper. When they pull away, David stands.
"Now, c'mon, I've ran you a bath, don't let it get cold." He grins, making her laugh softly - rare but beautiful.

Thank you, David. Thank you so much, for everything. I don't know what I'd do without you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2017 ⏰

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