Chapter 1| Disdain

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"Lucy, wait!" Levy yelled at me. The sun is shining bright. It wasn't too hot. The heat touched my body with perfection. I shrugged the thought. The heat wasn't perfect. Nothing is perfect.

"Don't walk like a snail. Levy, we only have 3 minutes" I replied.

"I don't think skipping class is a great idea. We're going to have a long quiz" she nervously said. I forgot about the long quiz. Whatever, I can just take that exam next time.

"Don't you wanna enjoy the city? There's a cafe that I wanted to go. Please, you are my bestfriend right?" I begged like a dog who wants a bone.

"But our grades--" I cutted her off as I went closer to her and showed her my puppy eyes which I just randomly pulled. I don't think that I look like a puppy. I feel like an anime character who have sparkling eyes.

"--Whatever. We only live once!" Levy yelled and so we ran out of the gates of our school and went to my house to change clothes. It'd be stupid for us to go to the city wearing our uniforms.

This feels nostalgic. I used to focus entirely on school. I was everyone's basic nerd. I used to have problems like I only got 99 over 100.  But then someone came and dragged me out without my consent. It felt fun. Now, it's... I don't know.

"So where are we going?" Levy exited from the bathroom wearing a navy blue tank tops and a white skirt that has floral patterns. I just wore what I fancied a while ago. A white crop top and a black leggings.

"I don't know" I replied. I didn't really have any place in mind. All I know is that I should be a rebel for today. But I was a rebel yesterday and also the other day and the day before that. You get me, don't you?

"You told me there is a cafe that you wanted to go"

"There was none" I confessed.

"Let's just go and randomly do what we want" I said and dragged her outside the house and then hailed a cab. Oops, I forgot to bring my wallet. Nevermind, I am sure Levy have money. Well she is, afterall, a responsible, thrifty girl.

I took out my phone and texted the person who's really helpful when I don't have any money. Minutes later, the cab reached the city and I finally convinced Levy to pay.

My phone vibrated and so I checked who's the caller.

"Hello, dad" I faked happiness. I don't really talk to him. Only when I need something. He taught me that.

"I deposited 4000 dollars in your bank account. Don't you dare spend all of that because if you do, I will totally get--" I ended the call as soon as I heard what I wanted to hear. Once he talks, it really bores me out so I just always end up ending his calls.

I disdain two males in my life and that includes my own father. After mom died, he focused on working. He ignored my presence all the time. He remember me as his daughter when he needs help.

I hated solitude and heartbreaks. I hate it when I feel useless and unwanted. I strived for attention and affection but they only gave me what I hate.

"Let's gamble" I cheered.

"Let's window shop first" Levy said.

"Let's go to a bar. Let's drink"

"I don't drink alcohol. Let's drink green tea"




"Lucy! I don't drink alcohol. Let's just drink coffee"

"Fine" I surrendered and so we went to the nearest cafe we saw.

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