The day of the trial

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I'd waited 2 days , now it was Sunday, tommorow I leave, I was so nervous. I packed some of my things and I felt I was ready to go, but too many things were going through my mind. I found it very hard to sleep that night, it was like being a kid again on Christmas Eve waiting for santa, you just can't get to sleep. I was too excited and nervous! But next thing I know my alarm clocks going off, its Monday, the day I start my trial. I was telling myself to stay calm although I felt like I was going to explode. I raced downstairs got a quick and easy breakfast, grabbed my bag and flew out of the door. My mum came out and got into the car as she said -"come on brook, it's your big day!"
The car journey was so long, I was so nervous, the time went by very slowly as I tried my best to have a little sleep, I didn't sleep at all last night. I asked my mum to stop off at a service station because I was hungry, I'm not sure that was a very good idea though. Let's just say we got a KFC and I accidently walked into a really pretty girl about my age and her food went everywhere, I was so embarrassed! After that though I wondered if any of the boys had a girlfriend or if there was rules? What if we weren't aloud them? I wasn't too bothered anyway I'd only ever had one girlfriend in high school and she was a nightmare!!

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