Winter Wonderland

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What you guys don't know is that I have all the songs lined up. Currently it's the 28th October.

Anyway, if I've calculated my songs right (that's a lie, I'll just make sure all the others are posted, so there may be more than usual in November, there may be less)* but that makes today December 1st. (Sssh I know I'm late, I've been really busy, I'm sorry!!) I am a huge Christmas fanatic.

So if you hate Christmas and Christmas songs, I suggest ignoring the next months updates.

I digress, this song makes me feel a certain way I can't explain, but I love it and it's so important to me!!

*update: I actually did do calculations. From today (October 28th) until December 1st there are 33 days and lucky for me I had 11 songs/pairs to publish which means 1 song every 3 days. And Halloween is a 3rd day, so I posted my Halloween songs on time!

**update: it should've worked that way but I'm a bit crap at remembering stuff.

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