Rabid Psychos

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If you asked Kidd he would've said that the date was so far being an incredible success, Law was absolutely over the moon for that music box, and a happy Law meant a very happy Kidd, literally, the feline was all over him, cuddling and mewling into his coat, acting so innocent which was so fucking adorable Kidd almost felt like bringing him home right then and there for some fun, more than once even.

'Note to self: go on these dates way more often' the alpha cockily thought, now that he knew Law was weak against such small acts of affection and gifts, then no problem, Kidd was going to make it rain.

As the two wandered the town Law's purring and mewls caught everyone's attention as they strolled by.

Kidd's eye caught sight of a small corner café which looked perfect to end this date at, polished windows, neat signs and decorations, it looked perfect! Like one of the ones you see in those flirty romance movies, only there weren't any of those fancied waitresses dolled up like maids.

"Hey babe, you wanna eat over there?" The feline blinked and focused his sight away from Kidd and onto the small business, not even bothering to scan the building, he sniffed the air and scowled, the smells coming from that place made him question if the food was even more than rancid.

"No thanks" he hissed out, Kidd frowned at the snow leopard's change of tune and searched even harder for a good looking place, he definitely didn't want to turn this date around like this.

Kidd's POV

Dammit, when is there a good café when you need one?

I kept searching the small buildings but the surgeon kept denying every one with a scowl deeper and more irritated than the last, almost moody now, the feline was ending the cuddling and beginning to make some distance.

God dammit! Why does all these-wait a god damn minute.

I thought for a second and paused in the middle of the path holding on to Law's hand.

"Hmm, if Law was right...maybe that includes other places as well?" I was broke out of my thoughts by a loud, unusual purr.

I curiously looked down at my mate, wanting to know if perhaps he was reading my mind, but he wasn't looking at me, then I turned my head and growled as a tick mark decorated my forehead, he was staring dreamily at some weird chick!

What the fuck!?

With an angry snarl I was just about to blow up at him when I noticed something wrong, "what the?" I voiced my thoughts out loud as I caught sight of his face.

His pupils were blown up even bigger than before, you couldn't even see the silver in his eyes anymore! And his face was stuck in a lazy smile, like he just drank three bottles of vodka and couldn't even stand right anymore from the buzz.

Something was definitely wrong with Trafalgar.

I glared closely at the girl, looking for something off.

She was short and not very attractive in my opinion, or anyone's opinion maybe, her eyes were dull green, like that of a sick tree nearing it's final days, with a shade of brown hair that looked way too light, dyed probably, and her body seemed particularly chunky with the one piece suit she was wearing, an orangutan, perhaps maybe some sort of rodent.

You could definitely tell she was up to something as her form was hunched over, and that paired with the suspicious glare she gave to anyone who went near her, definitely up to no good.

I still couldn't see anything actually wrong though until my earlier discovery rang in my head, 'this town relies on more than just sight' taking a different approach I sniffed the air trying her scent, gahhh-crap!

(Furry! Kidlaw) I Hate Mating SeasonWhere stories live. Discover now