A Happy Family

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Law giggled once again snuggling into Kidd's lap listening to the excited chatter outside their room, after the four babies were born, Kidd made Robin and Chopper keep it secret on the amount born and what their genders were and such.

So the only people who knew about the quadruplets were those two and of course, the parents.

Although this of course caused everyone to get unbelievably excited and clutter in front of their makeshift room in the nursery, waiting for the babies to be revealed.

But only after the parents had some small quality time before they were to be cluttered with attention of course, they've been separated for a while now and they deserved some time together, just the two of them.

The snow leopard purred, sleepily watching the wolf/snow leopard hybrids peacefully sleep in the newly made crib in their shared room together, clumping all in one pile of limbs and flesh to conserve heat, bodies, that Law found he was thankful for, were completely normal and functional.

The mother couldn't be any more relieved, seeing that his and Kidd's DNA were just compatible enough to give birth to fully articulated bodies, the only mutations found were the few visible traits that they didn't inherit from either parent, something that Chopper blamed on the drugs Doflamingo used on him.

Kidd hoped that was the only thing the pink bastard left behind on their children, but Law wasn't worried at all, also considering the blonde used them very late in his pregnancy, his kids were here and Doflamingo wasn't, nothing he could do could possibly hurt them now.

The very first to be born, was a pale green furred female with a pointed, sharp snout and similar ears to Kidd, she also had curious stripe-like yellow marks around the wrists of her paws, Law decided to name the oldest Monet.

The second born was a male, a bit smaller than his sister with red fur like their father but less bright and luscious, you would say it was in a more pale color, his cheeks were round and cute with a short snout he shared with their mother, and he had faint dull black spots also like his mother, Law named him Sachi.

The third, who was the exact size as his older brother, had a bushy wolf tail like Kidd unlike the other two who inherited Law's sleek feline tail, his ears were a bit big and he was dark black with soft yellow spots around his stomach and nose which kinda looked like freckles, he also inherited Law's feline face and whiskers like his brother.

Law named that one Penguin because he reminded him of a cuddly, cute one, and finally there was the last but certainly not the smallest offspring, in fact he was the biggest out of the four.

The pup was snow white with no spots whatsoever, unlike both his parents his tail was small and stubby as if it was chopped off, just like his dad, the youngest had a wolfish snout, but like his mother his ears were rounded, which looked soft to the touch, this one was so precious, he spoke out to Law, since he was the only one who inherited his ears.

So the happy mother named him..Bepo.

"Aren't they just precious Kidd-ya?" The alpha rumbled and wrapped his arms around his mate's tired furry form, "yes...Law, honey you did amazing...I'm so proud" Law sighed, another thought of Doflamingo getting his hands on these children scared the ever living life out of him, they were so small, so delicate, so pure, definitely not for that devil of a man to corrupt.

"Kidd-ya, I missed you so much" Kidd hummed and rubbed their cheeks together, "I missed you too darling" one more thought of Doflamingo crossed the snow leopard's mind but he shook it off, worrying about him wasn't an option anymore, not now they were safe, back with daddy again, the leopard was overjoyed as his eyelids grew heavy from the exhaustion.

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