ix. | illumination

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            09 | illumination

Lucy's brain couldn't really remember what that November felt like that year, for she had been too caught up in the events of October, and then the oncoming excitement for Christmas.

December arrived with snow and cold and with trees capped in frost, and one Lucy McIntosh was in a state of euphoria.

She spent every morning she could outside in the snow, sometimes with Lil and Beth having snowball fights, who she felt even closer to now, or Tom, walking with her through the grounds, but most of the time, Lucy McIntosh was alone, rejoicing in the presence of her favourite season; the ever-changing presence that was winter.

Lucy's parents had agreed to let her stay for Christmas, with the exception that Lucy come home for Easter, where she would meet her new niece, Mary Lucinda. Lucy was happy with this arrangement, and was glad she and Evie were right in the child being a girl. She was born on the 4th of December, 1943.

Lucy and Tom were spending every spare minute together they could, and they seemed happier than what they were before, but things still felt a little bit tense. There were words they had to tiptoe around and conversations they couldn't have; opinions they couldn't share. They were happy, none the less.

Tom still made Lucy's breath hitch and made her blood both freeze but still feel hot within her skin. Lucy's pulse always pounded around him, her breath was always warm, and her pupils always dilated. Lucy was absolutely smitten.

And so, Tom Riddle and Lucy McIntosh attended Slughorn's Christmas party together, much to Slughorn, and most others, delight. The only ones who seemed mildly displeased were Lillian, Elizabeth, and Tom's friends, who all sat with jaws clenched. Lil and Beth smiled forcefully at them, and Lucy's returned smile was genuine. Lillian and Elizabeth were clasping each other's pinkies again, careful to hide it in their skirts. Lucy, Tom, Beth and Lil made their way to Slughorn's venue, Professor Merrythought's office, which had been extended and redone with magic for this occasion.

Slughorn greeted the four with a warm smile and a firm handshake each, before he began both his praise and his scolding.

"Ah, Miss McIntosh, Mr. Riddle, looking swell tonight. My, you two are quite the couple, a good match of brains--" He began, and Lucy shifted uncomfortably while Tom grasped her hand, grounding her. He seemed to be taking in Slughorn's word with a mixture of coolness and warmth, like he appreciated where they got him, and not what they meant. Not that they meant anything to him at all.

Lucy took in his words anyway, until he made his remarks on Lil and Beth, and that was when Lucy's patience was tested.

"Oh, Miss Chase, Miss Blake, without partners again, I see... You must find dates, ladies, you two are eligible young women, people will start to ask questions soon..."

They both began to look very uncomfortable, and Beth looked like she might've cried. Lucy couldn't bear to see that happen, so she gave Tom's hand a quick squeeze, as if to apologise, then quickly distracted Slughorn before he could say more to them.

"Professor, Sir, is that Digory Doyle? The potions column editor of Witches Weekly? Oh, could you introduce us?"

Slughorn's expression changed and he looked back at Lucy, impressed, while Lil quickly gave her a glance of thanks and she and Beth scurried away.

Tom looked at Lucy incredulously, and she bit her lip as Slughorn said, "Of course!! Here, I'll show you over..."

Lucy and Tom both shook hands with Mr. Doyle, and he kissed Lucy's hand politely, even though his breath smelt like mouldy dragon tartare, and he spoke in a strange sort of excited monotone, and his conversation seemed to drag on for hours, with Lucy and Tom merely nodding and some occasional "Hmms" and "Ahhs" and Lucy was sure Tom did a dramatic eye roll at least twice.

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