Chapter Six

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Harry's P.O.V

"Hazza!" I hear Louis (BooBear) yell and heard a loin thump and groan and I see Diana on the floor on her side. Louis scared her so much that she fell.
"Who is she?" Louis asks.
"I'll be right back. " I tell him and pick her up and take her to the guest bedroom and lay her down.

"I'll be right back love." I tell her and she just nods and rolls on her not hurt side.
I leave the room and go in the kitchen and Louis is eating some flapjacks.

"What's up Louis?"
"I came to see if you want to go to the club with all of us but I see your busy haha. Who is she anyway? You didn't tell me you had a girl in your life Haz."

"I don't. I'm just, helping her out."
"With what?"
"Family trouble."
He just forms a "O" shape with his mouth.
"Yup." I say while popping the P.
"Is that why your knuckles are beat up? I'm guessing you beat up who did this to her."
And I just nod.
"I understand bro." Me says patting my shoulder.

"Understand what?" I an angelic voice and turn and see Diana leaving against the wall for support.

"I'll see ya Haz.
"See ya bro." I do these handshake/bro hug then he leaves.

I walk towards Diana and guide her back to the guest bed and lay her down.

"Stay." I tell her and turn around to the kitchen to the freezer and grab some frozen peas and corn and sandwich bags.
I walk back to the bedroom and she's in the same spot and position I left her in.

"Where did you land on?" I ask and she points and the backside of her ribcage and her hip bone.

"Can I have a look at them?" I ask and she nods. So I take the t shirt off and they already formed dark bruises. And I set the peas softly on her backside ribcage and she hisses but I continue and she just grabs the pillow tightly.

"I'm sorry Diana."
She just lays there gripping the pillow. And after a while the peas went warm and I go to put the corn but she says no. So I listen and put it back in the freezer and go back to her.

"What were you guys talking about?" She asks .

"About how he needs to knock or call from now on. "
"I know wet just met, but will you stay here? Like live here?"
"Harry I can't."
"Why not?" I ask irritated
"I can't just leave my father-"
"DON'T call him that. He is NOT a father."
"Harry I can't stay."
"Diana please."
"Diana, please. You'll be safe, have friends, be happy, anything."
"I don't-"
"I beg you Diana." I look in her eyes.
"He will come after me Harry. I don't want to put you in danger. Just let me go. "
"I'll keep you safe and I know how to take care of myself. "
She just sighs.

"Okay what?" I ask
"Okay I will. "
"Oh my goodness thank you Diana." I gently hug her.

Word count: 532

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