Chapter 20: Room 402

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Unknown POV.

"Allons! Ça va être amusant!" (Come on! It will be fun). A mother fakes enthusiasm, wanting to get her daughter out of the bad mood she's swimming in.

"Non, ce ne sera pas! Personne ne va comme moi et je vais être tout seul toute la journée." (No, it won't! No one's gonna like me and I'm gonna be all by myself all day long). Thinking what she just said is truth, The daughter. burst out crying.

"Aww bébé! Regarde moi." (Aw baby! Look at me)The mother kneels down to her daughter's eye level, and gently grabs her child's face. She pushes away the long brown hair covering her child's light brown eyes and says, "Les gens vont vous aussi longtemps que vous êtes vous. Vous n'êtes pas désagréable ni morveux. Et je vous promets que vous ne serez pas par vous-même toute la journée." (People will like you as long as you are you. You're not rude nor snotty. And I promise you won't be by yourself all day).

Sniffling the girl asks,"Tu jure?" (You swear?).

(On everything good).The mother hugs her child with a smile, happy that her daughter has stopped crying.

"Sur tout bon." (Ok. Let's go then).The girl hugs her mother back.

"Qu'est-ce que la classe est-elle?" (What classroom is she in?).The mother asks the office lady that's behind a counter.

"Mme Debra, la chambre 402." (Mrs. Debra's, room 402). "The lady answers with a friendly smile.

"Je vous remercie. ".(Thank you). The mother grabs her child's hand, and leads her into the elementary school hall way full of all types of colorful paintings, and drawings obviously made by kids.


Chloe's POV

" back soon." I yelled to Josh as I exited our apartment.

"Ok." To his credit, Josh actually does a pretty good job pretending he was listening to what I just said.

I make my way to the cranky elevator and get in along side a little old lady.

"Where are you going?" The old lady curiously ask, with a friendly smile.

She's really pretty despite the wriggles, with an oval face and shinnying chocolate brown eyes. Her lips are thin, with a light shade of pink. She's wearing plain blue jeans, pared off with a black shirt that has the words 'World's # 1 Granny' cross the the top. Her grey black hair is straight as a ruler and goes down to her chin.

"I'm meeting up with some friends at the library."

"Oh fun!" She replies enthusiastically.

"Yeah." I say, not knowing what else to say.

Then again, who does? An't like people go around thinking: Exactly what am I gonna say to that stranger I'm gonna meet on the elevator, today?

"What high school do you go to?" The lady blurts, after a few seconds of silence.

"I'm actually in college. I go to Otis." I answer not offended that she thinks I'm in high school, this is going to surprise you, but she's not the first to think so. Being 5'2 isn't the greatest fate for a girl.

"Oopsie." The old lady laughs. "How are you liking the college life?" She asks, getting off the elevator and entering the lobby.

"It's good. Tons of homework but, still good." I speed walk to catch up with her.

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