Chapter 25: Let's talk about it Cont.

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Josh's POV.

She takes a deep breath in and says her words slower, "Josh Let's talk about it."


"No, I mean it." She emphasizes the word it, probably thinking I don't know what she's talking about.

"Oh. Better idea: let's not."

"Josh, we have to." She finally opens her eyes.

"I know, but I'd prefer we didn't."

"Yeah, well I prefer we do. Don't you want to know my side of the story?"

"Yes, but I want to talk about it right now." I close my eyes, hoping she'll take the hint, and drop the topic.

Big waste. Chloe never drops it.

"If you don't want to talk about it, fine. What do you want to do then?" She asks scooting closer to me, and putting her hand on my knee in a light feathery touch.

"Forget about it?" I answer simplely.

"Forget about it? What do you mean forget about it?!" She asks with so much disbelief and shock you'd think that the it was her problem, rather than mine.

"I mean what it means. We pretend that night didn't happen, start over, get to know each other as if we've never met before and all that." Is my calm and easy answer.

"No. I like the idea of us starting over, but no. Pretending what happened didn't happen will not make it go away. Trust me. We'll have to talk about it at one point or another, hence why I think now is the perfect time." I know she's right, and I kinda want to get the whole talk out of the way, especially when she grabs my left hand in both her small ones and pulls it towards her, but my brain holds me back, telling me I'm not ready for this.

"You're right." I admit out loud. "But that doesn't change the fact that I'm still not ready." I let my right hand join my left, so that together they hide Chloe's hands and pull our hands towards my chest.

She looks at our hands on my chest for a long time without speaking, but when she finally speaks she says, "I don't want to, but I'm going to respect your choice of not being ready to talk, and drop the whole topic. My only request is that we talk about this before the month ends."

"Ok." I let out of breath of relief with a smile.

No + talking + today = happy me!

I know that she wants to say something, but true to her promise, all Chloe does is smile back at me.


Chloe's POV

Ever since two weeks ago when Josh basically told me I was unimaginably beautiful, things have been getting better between us. At first it was tiny differences like him talking to me for more than a few minutes before jetting off to his room, then it moved up an inch when he said hi or waved when he saw me at school, and now we eat meals together if we happen to be in the same room.

It's a really nice difference from the first few weeks of TNG when all he did was either insult me or ignore me.

"Whatcha you thinking 'bout?" Josh asks, interrupting my thoughts.

We're walking to school on a beautiful Monday morning because we still don't have a cars. All I can say is that TNG producers are cheap, like how hard is it to buy six cars?


"Seriously?" He raises his eyebrows at me with a teasing smile.


"'Stuff is not a real answer."

"Says who? What are you thinking about?"

"Says me, and basically anyone with a brain bigger than a peanut. Also, nothing much right now." He shrugs, looking like he has no care in the world.

He probably doesn't remember we have work today.

"So stuff isn't a real answer, but nothing much is?"

"Correct!" He raises his hand to give me a high five like I'm a little kid.

"Wow." I say the words with the same amount of excitement I'd use if I saw a dead person.

"What?" He asks, giving me the innocent eyes.


"We both know I can't reach." I mutter.

Even with my total adorable black 4 inch wedges , I still only come up a little over his shoulders, and my short arms don't help out in any way.

"No, you think you can't. I know you can." He says, stopping us in the middle of the side walk.

"Whatever. Let's go." I playfully roll my eyes at him, and tug on his hand.

"Not until I get my high five." He pouts, folding his muscular hands cross his chest.

Wow! I think staring at the sight in front of me.

"You're an idiot, you know that?" I go for the serious voice, but totally fail by smiling at him instead.

What can I say? Guy's adorable.

"So I've been told. Now high five me!"

"That sounds so stupid." I reply with an even bigger smile.

Something 'bout a 19 year old asking for a high five.

"That's me!" He throws me back a grin of his own with jazz hands.

"You're not stupid." I circle one hand around his neck for balance, and then stand on the tippy toes of my wedged boots to high five his awaiting hand. "Happy?"


"Great. Let's get going then." The school is only a couple blocks ahead, and we have a good 15 minutes before math officials starts, but I like getting to class early.

"As you wish." He grabs my hand and we resume our walk to school.

Yup, this is the life.


I'm trying to have this book done by March, so from now on, I'm gonna start updating every other day.

Thanks a ton for reading:) Please vote, comment and share❤️

Question: What did you think of the chapter that was in Chloe's POV?

❤️, Livia~

DF: Dec.11.16
DP: Jan.9.17
WC: 992

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